The Mistery of Belicena Villca the Origin that causes the chaining of the eternal Spirit to Matter ; that is why Cain , by bearing that mark , will never be able to die : he will be " Immortal ", as are all men who possess Spirit , even if they ignore it for being " asleep ".
Robert Graves , and the Rabbi Raphael Patai , in the book " The Hebrew Myths ", have extracted and synthesized the Myth of Cain from numerous Talmudic midrash . Here is one of the official Hebrew versions , demonstrating the Luciferic spiritual character of Cain and Abel ' s " created " nature : " Cain responded to God ' s reprimand with a cry that blasphemers still repeat : – There is no Law nor Judge ! -- . When he soon after found Abel in a field he told him : --There ' s no future World , no reward for the righteous , no punishment for evildoers . This World was not created with mercy , nor is it ruled with compassion . For what other cause has your offering been accepted and mine rejected ? Abel simply answered , --Mine was accepted because I love Jehovah God ; yours was rejected because you hate him-- . So Cain decided to hit and kill Abel ".
It is interesting to go deeper into the figure of Cain . According to the Bible he was , besides being a farmer , the first who built walled cities and the inventor of weights and measures . His descendant Tubal-Cain ( mythical unfolding of Cain himself ) was a manufacturer of weapons and musical instruments .
If we now observe this figure of Cain , in the light of the Hyperborean Wisdom , it will be found that it possesses many of the characteristic attributes of the Hyperborean lineages . Above all , the association of Agriculture with the building of walled cities is an ancient Hyperborean strategic formula recently employed , for example , by the Etruscans and the Romans , and which has been perfectly expressed by the German King Henry I , the Fowler . On the other hand , the invention of weights and measures , which the Hebrews attribute to Cain , the Greeks to Hermes , and the Romans to Mercury , allows to identify Cain with those two Hyperborean Gods . And finally : the accusation of assassin and the weapons manufacturer status , clearly reveals that the figure of Cain represents fearsome warriors , the Men of Stone : to report or to point out that quality clearly aims the denunciation of the famous mark .
In the Bible , the sacred book of the " Chosen People ", in the myth of Abel and Cain , the rules of the game are perfectly revealed . In Jehovah Satan ' s “ preference ” for the Hebrew shepherds , represented by Abel , and in the contempt and punishment of the Hyperborean lineages , symbolized by Cain , the metaphysical conflict of the origins appears layed out , but updated now as a cultural and biological confrontation . The Hebrew Sacred Race has come to bring the Presence of Jehovah Satan ; ( conscious Presence , different from the pantheistic breath with which the Demiurge animates matter ) to the plane of human life , of incarnation , of pain and suffering . That ' s why the old transcendent enmity between captive Spirits and Demons transforms into immanent enmity between the Hyperborean lineages and the material Universe , given that the Sacred Race is Malkuth , the tenth Sefirot , that is , an Aspect of the Demiurge . The latter must be understood as follows : Israel is the Demiurge . It is worth clarifying . According to the secret teachings of the Kabbalah and as you can read in the Book of Splendor , Sefer Yetsirah , or in the Book of the Holocaust of Fire , Sefer Icheh , that is , going to the most reliable sources of the Hebrew Wisdom , for the " creation " of the " Sacred Race " Jehovah Satan manifests one of his ten Aspects or Sefirot . The tenth sefirot , Malkuth ( the Kingdom ) is the people of Israel itself , according to the official Hebrew texts , which has a metaphysical link with the first Sefirot , Keter ( Crown ), which is the Head or supreme Consciousness of the Demiurge . In other words : there is a metaphysical identity between Israel and Jehovah Satan or , if you will , " Israel is Jehovah Satan ".
As I said before , the enmity between the Sacred Race and the Hyperborean lineages , enmity that has been declared in the myth of Abel and Cain , means a confrontation between these and the material Universe , given the character of Malkuth , splitting of the Demiurge , held by Israel . With Malkuth , the Demiurge has wanted to impose the royalty of the Hebrew sacred lineage on