The Mistery of Belicena Villca contain the secret of the twenty-two voices that the Demiurge uttered when he ordered matter and by which has been formed all that exists . The set of symbols contained in the Tablets of the Law is what is known since ancient times as Acoustic Kabbalah . In Atlantis this knowledge was originally the patrimony of another " Sacred Race ”, but later on , the Guardians of the Lithic Art , ancestors of the Cro-Magnon and parents of the White Race , came to dominate it completely .
" The Tablets of the Law " are then " the Stone " that the Demiurge has placed in the World as metaphysical support of the " Sacred Race " in imitation of the set " Hyperborean lineage / Gral ". However , as in all " imitations " of the Demiurge , a too precise equivalence should not be seen here . The Gral , from the past , reflects for each one of the men the Divine Origin and constitutes an attempt by Kristos Lucifer to come to the aid of the captive Spirits or , in other words , the influence of the Gral points to the individual and to the spiritual . The Tablets of the Law , on the contrary , point to the collective , between Jehovah Satan and the Hebrew people , and furthermore their Kabbalistic content reveals the keys that allow mastering all material Sciences .
If the strategic confusion , incarnation , chaining to the Law of Karma , etc ., are terrible evils that afflict the Hyperborean Spirits , the terrestrial coexistence with a “ Sacred Race ” of Jehovah Satan is undoubtedly the scariest nightmare , worse still than any of the misfortunes mentioned . Because , from the " renewed covenant " with Moses , the racial enmity between the Hyperborean lineages (" heretical ") and the Hebrew lineage (" sacred ") will be permanent and eternal , with the irreversible disadvantage for the first that the Hellish will of the Demiurge will irresistibly express itself through the seconds .
After the " appearance " of Israel , man only has the dramatic alternative of returning to the Origin or finally succumb .
Digging into the Hebrew myth of Abel and Cain , under a veil of slander , an accurate description of racial and theological enmity can be appreciated between Hebrews and Hyperboreans . In this myth , Abel , who is a shepherd of flocks , represents the basic type of Hebrew and Cain , the farmer , the figure of the man of Hyperborean lineage . Legend has it that Jehovah Satan found pleasant the blood offerings of Abel the shepherd , consisting of the sacrifice of the firstborn lambs " with their fat ", and instead despised the " fruits of the earth ” that Cain exhibited . Such an attitude on the part of the God of Matter constituted a revelation for Cain : the discovery of the true intentions of the Creator and the materialistic and servile essence of the shepherds . So Cain decided to kill Abel , the created Soul , which motivated Jehovah to denounce that he was bearer of a mark that betrayed his status as a murderer . This sign would be recognized in all ages , by those who were " like Abel ", in those who proved to be " like Cain ".
That special affective criteria of Jehovah Satan has been perpetuated through the centuries in the hatred that the Hebrews feel towards the Hyperborean lineages , hate that , don ' t forget , comes from the Demiurge since " Israel is Jehovah ”. Foolish men , that is , those who have had their brains washed to later turn them into fanatical Bible believers , they always find it difficult to justify Jehovah “ God ' s ” predilection for Abel ' s bloody sacrifice and the contempt for Cain ' s agricultural production . However , everything becomes clear if one reads under the cabalistic , encrypted language of the Genesis , an ancient interpretation of the Fire Holocaust . Indeed , " the holocaust of the firstborn lamb with its fat ” [ Genesis 4,4 ], represents the Holocaust of the Final Death of Humanity and its transformation into the bleach that will “ wash away the Abominable Sign that is engraved on the Warm Stone ”: Abel ' s oblation would later be burned , just as the Hebrews do until nowadays with the bodies of the sacrificed animals , and " the fat " mixed with the ash , would form the soap , the lye , which would wash the symbolic stain of the " sin of Cain ”; such a " sin " is , naturally , to be a " farmer ", a sower of cereals , worshiper of the Goddess Ama , or Ceres , or Demeter , or the Virgin of Agartha , the mother of Navutan , that is , who gave the seed of wheat to men , the Seed of the Stone Child . The " mark of Cain " is , then , the Token on the Warm Stone , the Symbol of