The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I said that the Gral divinizes the Hyperborean lineages by proving irrefutably the truth of the Origin and that the reaction of the Demons has been to consider them as heretical lineages , deserving the most terrible punishments .
But while the Devils were busy punishing the men with the heavy chains of Karma , quite another would be the attitude of the Demiurge . He , according to his characteristics , has wanted to imitate , and even surpass , the Hyperboreans lineages , founding a Sacred Race that represents him directly , that is , that channels his will , and , through it , reign over the incarnate Spirits . A " Sacred Race " that rises in the midst of the peoples condemned to the pain and suffering of life and who , triumphing over them , ended up inflicting the final humiliation of submitting them to the Synarchy of the Demons . Then the Hyperborean lineages , sunk in the mud of the spiritual degradation , will exhale their last moans and those cries of pain , those screams of terror will be the sweet music with which the Sacred Race will gift his " God " Jehovah Satan , the Demiurge of the Earth .
As I have said the Demiurge has tried this endeavor many times ; “ the Gypsies ”, for example , are the ethnic remnant of a “ Sacred Race ” that prospered in the last Atlantis , when the Traitor Gods subdued the Hyperborean lineages to the Sinarchy of Horror . The Incarnate Spirits were there precipitated to the most infamous practices : the Divine blood was degraded and confused by the indiscriminate mixing of Races , and , what is worse , they managed to make fertile intercourse between men and animals with the aid of black magic ; thousands of human victims sacrificed themselves to quench the thirst for blood of Jehovah Satan , worshiped there in his Aspect of " God of the infernal armies ”. The cruelty , the collective orgy , different forms of drug addiction , etc ., were all " customs " that the Hyperborean lineages had adopted while in the eyes of the " Sacred Race " shone with joy the gaze of the Demiurge and the Synarchy of Horror exercised its orichalcum tyranny . In such a state of degradation no one was able to receive the light of the Gral or hear the Chant of the Gods . That is why Kristos Lucifer decided to manifest himself in the sight of men . He did so , accompanied by a guard of Liberator Gods , and this determined the end of Atlantis ...
But this is an ancient story . In recent times the Demiurge has resolved to repeat again , in imitation of the Hyperborean lineages , the creation of a “ Sacred Race ” that represents him and to which will be reserved the high Destiny to reign over all the peoples of the Earth . With the Blood Pact celebrated between Jehovah Satan and Abraham the “ Holy Race ” is founded , and their descendants , the Hebrews , will constitute the " Chosen People ." As well as the Hyperborean Spirits , divinized by the presence of the Gral , represent the " heretical lineage ” par excellence , the Hebrews , in front of them , will present themselves as the " Purest lineage on Earth ." Israel , a people chosen by Jehovah Satan to be its representative on Earth , what titles will it display as irrefutable proof that such is His Will ? The Demiurge , following his usual system of " imitating ", reasons this way : " If by the Gem of Kristos Lucifer , the Gral , the Hyperborean lineage has been divinized , also by a ‘ Stone of Heaven ’ will be consecrated the Lineage of Abraham . I will put in the world a Stone in which My Law will be written as irrefutable proof that Israel is the Chosen People , before whom other nations must humble ”.
Such is the direct reaction of the Demiurge . He chooses from the scum of humanity the most miserable people and after making a pact with them makes them grow in the shadow of mighty Kingdoms . When he decides that the time has come for the " Sacred Race " to fulfill its historical mission , he " renews the pact " by delivering to Moses the key to Power . Then Israel , the purest lineage on Earth , crosses the millennia and marches toward its future of glory , as the Empires and the Kingdoms sink in the dust of History . Without a doubt the reaction of the Demiurge has been effective and powerful have resulted the effects of His Stone , the force of His Law . Thus , the question arises , what actually is that Jehovah Satan delivers the Hebrews as an instrument of power and universal domination ?; I will repeat it synthetically : the " Tablets of the Law "