THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 232

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I hope I have made it clear that the Gral should not be sought because it appears when man ' s consciousness has become desynchronized from the time of the world and has been stripped of the cultural mask . I want to show now another aspect of the enemy reaction motivated by the presence of the Gral .
For the Gral man commits the crime of awakening ; he has sinned , and the punishment is charged with the currency of pain and suffering , by the incarnation and the law of Karma . The Law enforcers , and those who are most offended by the Hyperborean memory of the awakened men are the " guardian angels ", that is , the Demons of Chang Shambhala and their White Fraternity . There is , apart from this , a direct reaction of the Demiurge that should be known . But as such reaction has been repeated many times since the Hyperborean Spirits have been chained to the yoke of the flesh , a full exposition should encompass an enormous period of time , which goes beyond the official history and is lost in the night of Atlantis and Lemuria . Of course , I won ' t be able to embark on such a story and that is why I will only refer to the reaction of the Demiurge in historical times , but it should not be forgotten that everything that is said about this is not exclusive to an Epoch , but it has already been and will surely be again . A short introduction will allow you to understand such a direct reaction .
When the question , naive , is made about how are the worlds where the captive Spirit comes from , believing there may be some image representing the unimaginable Hyperborea , the Hyperborean Wisdom usually responds with a metaphorical figure ; thus says to the ignorant apprentice : " imagine that a speck of dust receives a faint reflection from the True Worlds , and suppose that , then , this speck is divided and reorganized into infinite particles . Make another effort of imagination and now suppose that the material Universe that you know and habit has been built with the pieces of that speck of dust . The Hyperborean Wisdom tells you : if you are able to reintegrate in an act of imagination the immense multiplicity of the Cosmos in the original speck , then , seeing it in its entirety , you will perceive only a faint reflection of the True Worlds . If you are able to reintegrate the Cosmos into a speck of dust you will see only a deformed image of the Homeland of the Spirit . That ' s all that can be known from here ”.
The metaphor becomes transparent if one considers that the Demiurge has constructed the Universe by imitating a clumsy and deformed image of the True Worlds . He has insufflated his Breath into Matter and ordered it with the purpose of " copying " the faint reflection that he once received from the Uncreated Spheres . But neither the substance was adequate nor was the Architect qualified to do so , and , added to these evils , the perverse intention of pretending to reign as God of the work , just like (?) the Incognizable . The result is in sight : an evil and insane Hell , in which , long after its creation , by a Mystery of L-ove , countless Eternal Spirits were enslaved , chained to matter and subject to the evolution of life .
The main feature of the Demiurge is evidently imitation , by means of which he has attempted to reproduce the True Worlds and whose result has been this vile and mediocre Material Universe . But it is in the different parts of his Work where it is noticed the amazing persistence in imitating , repeating and copying . In the Universe " everything " is always a copy of " something ": the " atoms ", all similar ; the " cells ", which divide into analogous pairs ; the “ social animals ”, whose herd instinct is based on " imitation "; the " symmetry ", present in infinity of physical and biological phenomena ; etc . Without going into further examples , it can be said that the overwhelming formal multiplicity of reality is just an illusion product of the crossing , intersection , combination , etc ., of a few initial forms . In truth , the Universe has been made from counted different elements , no more than twenty-two , that support , by their infinite combinations , the totality of existing forms .
Bearing in mind the imitative principle that governs the work of the Demiurge , now it can be taken into consideration his direct reaction to the presence of the Gral .