THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 231

The Mistery of Belicena Villca a man , technocratic and dehumanized , happily reigns over legions of androids and robots .
I will not go into detail about an obvious fact : it has been tried to erase the past of man by disconnecting him from his Hyperborean roots ; this past has not been completely erased , but , in compensation , a metaphysical fracture has been created between man and his Divine ancestors , so that , at present , an abyss separates him from the primordial memories ; an abyss that has a name : confusion . At the same time , with such a sinister purpose , man has been “ projected towards the future ” euphemism used to describe the illusion of progress that suffer the members of modern Civilizations . Such " illusion " is generated culturally by powerful “ force ideas ” skillfully used as a strategic weapon : the " sense of history ", the " historical acceleration ", the " scientific progress ", the " education ", " civilization versus barbarism ", and so on . The men , conditioned in this way , blindly believe in the future , look only towards it , and even fatalists , who envision a " black future ", admit that if an unpredictable exception or a miracle offer a " way out " to Civilization it is found , anyway , in the " future "; the past is in any case a reason for general indifference .
This " obvious fact " undoubtedly represents an important triumph for the Synarchy ; but a triumph that is not definitive . Indeed , Dr ., you have seen that the maximum pressure of the Synarchic Strategy is applied to erase the past , obscure the memory of the Divine Origin , and that such an attack occurs as a reaction to the gnostic action of the Gral . But the Gral is not just a forbidden fruit , consumed by man in remote times , immediate to his enslavement .
The Gral is a reality that will remain in the world while the last Hyperborean Spirit remain captive . By the Gral it is always possible that man wakes up and remembers .
But , to enjoy its gnosis , it is essential to understand that the Gral , as a reflection of the Origin , illuminates in the blood from the past . Its light comes in the reverse sense of time and therefore no one who has succumbed to the Synarchic Strategy may be influenced by it . You already saw that a powerful cultural Strategy " projects man into the future " and tries to erase his past and confuse his memories . But the Gral should not be sought looking to the future for thus it will never be found . In truth , the Gral should not be sought at all , if with such a verb , to search , we understand an action that implies " movement ". Only those who have not understood its metaphysical meaning " seek " the Gral and believe , in their ignorance , that it is an " object " that can be " found ". I will remember one of the medieval stories about the Gral that , though deformed by its Judeo-Christian adaptation , retains quite a few elements of the Hyperborean Tradition . In it Parsifal , the pure madman , goes in " search " of the Gral . Due to ignorance he commits the nonsense of undertaking the search " traveling " knightly through different countries . This " displacement " essentially points to the future , because in every movement there is an immanent and inevitable temporality , and , naturally , Parsifal never " finds " the Gral " looking for it " in the world . Years of futile search go by until he understands this simple truth . Then one day , completely naked , he appears before an enchanted castle and , once inside , the Gral appears to him ( he cannot find it ) and his eyes are opened ; he notices then that the throne is vacant and he decides to claim it , finally becoming a King .
The following should be seen in this allegory : Parsifal understands that the Gral should not be sought in the world ( Valplads ), through time ( flowing Consciousness of the Demiurge ), and he decides to make use of a Hyperborean Strategic Path . For this he places himself “ naked ” ( without the preeminent cultural premises ) in a castle (" square " fortified by the law of the enclosure ) desynchronizing from the " time of the world ” and creating an “ own time ”, inverse , that “ points to the past ”. Then the Gral appears and " opens his eyes " ( Memory of Blood ). Parsifal notices that " the throne is vacant " ( that the Spirit can be recovered ) and he decides to claim it ( he undergoes the purity tests of the Secret Ways of Liberation ) and becomes King ( transmutes into Man of Stone ).