THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 230

The Mistery of Belicena Villca foolishly " at ease ", with no chance of breaking the spell by himself . If he has denied the Demiurge and has " rebelled " it has been by virtue of an outside agent , but : what " thing " in the world can be able to awaken man , to open his eyes to the forgotten divinity ? “ If such a thing exists , the Demons will say , it is the most abominable object of material Creation ”. But that " thing ", that " abominable object ”, is not of this World and of it the captive-Spirit-man has “ eaten ”. That " green fruit ", which later will be called Gral , is a food that nourishes with the primordial gnosis , that is , with the knowledge about the Truth of the origins . By the Gral , the forbidden fruit par excellence , man will know that he is Eternal , possessing a Divine Spirit chained to matter , proceeding from a World impossible to imagine from the terrestrial Hell but for which he feels nostalgia and to which he wishes to return . By the Gral , man has remembered ! Here is his first crime . Remembering the Divine Origin will henceforth be a terrible sin and those who have committed it must pay for it ; that is the Will of the Demiurge , the “ Law of Jehovah Satan ”. There will be his Ministers , the Demons of Chang Shambhala , who are in charge of executing the sentence collecting the punishment in a currency called : pain and suffering . The instrument will naturally be the incarnation , repeated a thousand times in transmigrations " controlled " by the " Law " of Karma , cynically stating that pain and suffering are " for the good " of the Spirits , " to favor their evolution ". If " evil " lies in the blood then it will be weakened by favoring racial mixing and making it impure by poisoning it with the fear of sin . The result will be the strategic confusion of the Spirit and the complete darkness about man ' s past . " In the past there is nothing worth rescuing ", will assert for millennia the reasonable people , in chorus with the Demons of the Fraternity . Theology , and even Mythology , will speak about the evil of man with the language of the Demiurge : " sin ", " fall " and " punishment ." The " Science ", on the other hand , will show us a more discouraging panorama : it will “ prove ”, making use of fossil filth , that man descends from a proto ape called " Hominid ", that is , of that miserable and despicable animal man who was the ancestor of the sleeping man . " Science " has brought the past of man to its most dramatic degradation linking him " evolutionarily " to reptiles and worms . For the modern man there will no longer be Divine ancestors but apes and trilobites . It really takes a superhuman hatred to wish man to humiliate himself in such a sad way .
But let ' s leave the sad , let ' s be optimistic , why look at the past , will say the Synarchy with the Voice of Science and Theology , if man is " something projected into the future ”? In the past there is nothing worthy of respect : some primitive marine crustaceans sunk in the silt trying to gain the terrestrial environment , driven by " evolution "; millions of years later apes decide to become men : driven again by the miraculous " law of evolution ” they become biped , they make tools , they communicate by speaking , they lose their hair and enter history ; and then comes the History of man : the documents , civilization , culture . And in history the " Evolution " continues unrelenting , now converted into a more inflexible law called dialectic : the mistakes of humanity , the wars , the intolerance , the fascism , are " mistakes "; the successes , the peace , the democracy , the UN , the Sabín vaccine , are " Successes ". From the struggle between successes and errors , a higher stage always arises , a benefit for the future Humanity , confirming the evolutionary or progressive trend . Isn ' t it that progressive trend in history all the good that can be expected from the past ?
So let ' s be optimistic ; let ' s look to the future ; there are all the goods , all realizations ; the theologian assures that after a future trial of the good the gates of paradise will be opened to them , the Rosicrucians , Masons and other Theosophists , place in the future the moment when , partially concluded the " Spiritual evolution ", man identifies with his monad , that is , with his " Divine Archetype " and is incorporated into the Cosmic Hierarchies dependent on the Demiurge ; and even materialists , atheists or scientists , present a blissful image of the future : they show us a perfect society , without hunger or diseases , where