THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 229

The Mistery of Belicena Villca are not originally from Venus but from Hyperborea , an “ original center ” that does not belong to the material Universe and whose " Memory of Blood " has led to many sleeping men to misidentify it with a vanished " nordic ” or “ polar continent ”. According to the Hyperborean Wisdom the Gral was brought to the Solar System by the Gods immediately after they stormed through the Gate of Venus to settle in K ' Taagar , that is , in the Valhalla . However , there is another specific aspect that should be taken into account : the Gral is a Gem that is of the greatest importance to the Gods , to the point that They are not willing to give it up or lose it . For camaraderie and solidarity towards the sleeping men it has been placed in the World ; but in the end of Time , the Gral will be recovered and returned to its place of Origin .
What is the reason for this interest without measure in preserving the mysterious Gem ? Because it has been momentarily removed from The Most Beautiful Jewel that has never been seen in the Universe of The One , of that jewel that nobody would be able to imitate in this or in other Worlds : neither the Master Goldsmiths nor the Builder Devas or the Planetary , Solar or Galactic Angels , etc . Because the Gral is a Gem of the Crown of Kristos Lucifer , He who is more Pure than the Purest of the Loyal Gods , the only one who can speak Face to Face with the Unknowable . Kristos Lucifer is the one who being in Hell is beyond Hell . Being able to stay in Hyperborea , in the light of the Unknowable , Kristos Lucifer has wanted to come to the rescue of the captive Spirits starring in the incomprehensible sacrifice of His own self-captivity . He has installed himself as the Black Sun of the Spirit , " illuminating " charismatically , from " behind " Venus , through the Paraclete , directly into the blood of the sleeping men .
How has a Gem of the Gallant Lord sullied falling here , to the Earth , one of the most disgusting sewers in the Seven Hells ? Because he has so disposed . Kristos Lucifer has given the Gral to men as guarantee of his commitment , of his sacrifice , and as an irrefutable material proof of the Divine Origin of the Spirit .
The Gral is , in this sense , a reflection of the Divine Origin , which will guide like a beacon the faltering course of the Rebel Spirits who decide to abandon the slavery of Jehovah Satan .
You have already seen what the Gral is : a Kristos Lucifer Crown Gem ; You will now see what the Gral represents for the captive Spirits . First of all the Gral is linked to the incarnation of the Spirits and its first meaning must be sought in connection with such a Mystery . This is explained if we take into account that millions of years ago , when the Traitor Siddhas allied with the Demiurge Jehovah Satan to carnalize the Hyperborean Spirits , Kristos Lucifer handed over the Gem so that the Truth of the Divine Origin could be seen with mortal eyes . That is why the Gral , placed in the World as proof of the Divine Origin of the Spirit , gives meaning to all the Hyperborean bloodlines on Earth . For it the blood of men , still mired in the most tremendous confusion , will always claim its extraterrestrial heritage .
The presence of the Gral , in principle , prevents the Enemy from denying the Hyperborean ancestors . But just as the Gral gives a cosmic sense to the History of man , connecting him with the eternal Race of the origins , and divinizes the Hyperborean lineages of the Earth , so also for the Demiurge , by the presence of the Gral , this lineages become " cause for scandal " and object of persecution and scorn , punishment and pain . The Divine Hyperborean Lineages will be , as from the Gral , heretic lineages " condemned forever ” ( a manvantara ) by Jehovah Satan . The Gral has come to wake up undesirable memories , to enhance the past of man ; it will then be the memory and the past what will be most attacked and to erase its influence will largely aim at the Synarchic Strategy . If one is capable of noticing this attack , which is evident to the gnostic gaze , it will be understood in greater depth the historical function of the Gral . To put it in evidence I will dedicate the following paragraphs .
The main crime of man has been to deny the supremacy of " God ", that is to say , of the terrestrial Demiurge Jehovah Satan , and to rebel to his slavery . But man is a miserable being , immersed in a Hell of Illusion in which he feels