The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Forty-Sixth Day General Synthesis of the Hyperborean Wisdom :
On the previous day I mentioned “ a Strategy that the Loyal Gods use to counter ‘ the Culture ’, a strategic enemy weapon ” and I explained it , by means of an allegory , as consisting in a charismatic message . This message had two objectives : 1 st .: to wake up ; 2nd .: orient towards the " Secret exit ", " center ", or " Origin "; and , in that particular example , the " exit " was found after discovering " the ring ", that is , after having made conscious the enclosure principle . However the second part of the message , the Song of L-ove offered , whoever listened to it , the possibility of " finding the way out ", by other six different routes to Strategic Opposition , which is based on the principle of the enclosure . In any case , this Strategy as I have described it , with its seven possible ways of liberation , responds to purely individual objectives , that is to say , it is directed exclusively towards the sleeping man . That is why now it is my turn to declare that it is part , the " individual " part , of a major conception major , which is called Odal Strategy .
The Odal Strategy is fundamentally aimed at obtaining the individual liberation of man , but , on certain favorable historical occasions , the Gods try to " orient " the Race as a whole to force collective mutation . In this case the " leaders ", many times " sent " by the Loyal Gods and other times “ inspired ” by Them , are in charge of projecting charismatically in the people the strategic guidelines , seeking to reintegrate it into the essential War . For such a task to be carried out with probability of success , it is necessary that the “ Leaders ” have an external element , located in the world , that irrefutably represents the Divine origin of the Race . This external item must also give proof of the commitment assumed by the Gods to " induce " men to resume the war against the Creator and their resolution to " wait " for the Kalpas that are needed while they win the Liberty . For these conditions it can be understood that this " external element ” is a true Stone of Scandal for the Creator and his demonic hosts and that all his Power , that is , the Great Deception , is put into achieving destroying it or , failing that , preventing it from remaining within the reach of man . But , despite the annoyance that such an action would cause in the Enemy , the Gods have fulfilled their part of the Primordial Pact and , with admirable contempt towards the Power of the Forces of Matter , they deposited it in the World and protected it from any attack so that the men or their charismatic leaders discover it and make use of its meaning .
The Odal Strategy of the Gods is , then , addressed to the inner self of every man by the " Charismatic Songs ", trying to awaken in them the Memory of Blood and of inducing them to follow some of the seven paths of liberation . But it also tries to promote the Race as a whole so that it ceases marching in the " evolutionary " or " progressive " direction of History and , rebelling to the Plan of the One , in a reverse jump , transmute the " animal tendencies ” of man and recover his Divine Hyperborean nature . To achieve this second purpose , no longer individual but racial , I have said that it has an “ external element ”. What would be , specifically this " external element ", this " thing ", to which I have attributed such wonderful properties ? Its about something whose single description would take several volumes and that , in previous Days , I have called " Gral ". Being impossible to reveal here a Mystery that has been impenetrable to millions of people , I will try , as usual , to " approximate " it through some comments .
I was asking what that wonderful thing called Gral will be specifically . I ' ll start there . Specifically , the Gral is a Stone , a Crystal , a Gem ; of this there is no doubt . But it is not a terrestrial Stone ; neither of this there are doubts . If it is not a terrestrial stone , one may wonder what its origin is : the Hyperborean Wisdom affirms that it comes from Venus but does not assure that it be its origin . It can be assumed , then , for want of other precision , that the Lords from Venus brought it to Earth , from that green planet . But the " Lords of Venus ”