The Mistery of Belicena Villca the other peoples of the Earth . If these Gentile peoples have forgotten the past , and submitted to the Plan carried out by the White Fraternity , then they will gladly accept the Hebrew superiority and the world will march happily towards the Synarchy . But , alas those Goym who do not renounce their Hyperborean inheritance and persist in remembering the conflict of the origins ! There will be no place for them on Earth because with the Presence of Malkuth , the sacred lineage of Israel , the Demiurge ensures their persecution and immediate annihilation . Dramatic fate that of the captive Spirit ! For millennia remembering the Origin , that is , exhibiting a heretical lineage , was punished by the Demons with a strong Karma , and the pain , the suffering , were so terrible that it ended up being forgotten . But , while this degradation was going on , deep in his heart , seething in his blood , the condemned person could participate in the Memory of Blood and access the Gnosis ; it was his right : if he managed to rise from the swamp of confusion no one could prevent him from receiving the light of the Gral or listening to the Chant of the Gods . With Israel not even this miserable opportunity to wake up would be possible because the conflict was posed in biological , racial , cultural terms ... : whoever engages in the contest must now risk everything for by facing Israel he is facing the same Demiurge . Israel advances in history with irresistible force . Its great ideas are dominating , little by little , the Culture of the West in parallel with the growth of its financial power . Who will be able to oppose the joint force of Judeo-Christianity , Judeo-Masonry , Judeo-Marxism , Zionism , Trilateralism ? Who could “ break ” the banks of Rothschild , of Jacob Schiff , of Kuhn and Loeb , of Rockefeller , etc .? and who will compete with the Hebrews in the fields of Science or Art ? I already described the fantastic Material Power achieved by the Templar Synarchy in the Middle Ages ; think , Dr . Siegnagel , what such a Power must represent today ; against these organized forces man does not have the slightest chance . That is why , in the face of such formidable Power , the only valid strategic alternative is racial confrontation : to the Sacred Race of Jehovah Satan oppose the Hyperborean lineage of the captive Spirits . And in this clash of lineages , in this war brought to the blood ground , the awakened man , he who remembers and wishes to return , must listen to the Song of the Gods and , following a secret path of liberation , find " the exit ", return to the Origin , and transmute into Man of Stone . He will have thus complied with the first part of the Odal Strategy . But if a charismatic Leader , awake and transmuted , puts himself at the head of a racial community and decides to guide the men as a whole Back to the Origin , he may apply in its entirety the Odal Strategy , taking advantage of the presence of the Gral . In this case the Leader will raise Total War against the demonic forces of the Synarchy , but he will especially exert his maximum pressure on the Sacred Race as it directly represents the Enemy , that is , the Captivating Demiurge . However , only in modern times , when the universal presence of the Synarchy and the power of the Sacred Race are in evidence , it will be possible that some Great Chief correctly identifies the Enemy and declares against Them the Total war .
The irreconcilable enmity between the Hebrew sacred lineage and the heretic Hyperborean lineage could be exemplified by considering the infinite times that clashes have occurred and describing the various results . For sure there would be material to fill several volumes , which is why I must be prudent and refer to what is strictly necessary for understanding the Odal Strategy of the Loyal Gods . It is with this criterion that I will consider just one example , but an example that will be highly clarifying .
After the sinking of Atlantis , and under the guidelines of the Cultural Pact , the Hyperborean lineages have always agreed that Human society should be organized around three main functions : Regia , Priestly and Warrior . The harmony and independence of the three functions would ensure a certain balance appropriate for times of peace and prosperity , that is , when society progresses materially towards the future . In different epochs of its history many peoples of Hyperborean lineage experienced brief periods in which the equilibrium of the three functions allowed to enjoy that social , mediocre and courteous tranquility , which actually concealed a total absence of