THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 223

The Mistery of Belicena Villca that the " interior cultural elements " are the true instrument that the Synarchy uses to keep man " asleep ", that is , in confusion . In this state the Self is subject to reason with the cultural structure , the source from which all mental activity is ultimately nourished . Thus it happens that the Self , that is , the present consciousness of man , is " directed towards " the world through the cultural structure " by " reason ; the result , I said it several times , is a warped image of the world and a state of psychic confusion that greatly hinders the " strategic reorientation " of men . Against this situation the Loyal Gods , like the Kameraden of the allegory , prepare to come to the aid " by sending a message ".
The main objective is to " circumvent all the walls " and reach the prisoner , the Self , with a message of double meaning : 1st . awaken ; 2nd . orient . For that the Loyal Gods " transmit the message ", charismatically , for many millennia ; some hear it , wake up and leave ; others , the most , continue in confusion . Sure , the message is not easy to recognize because it has been emitted in the language of the birds ... and its sounds can only be perceived with the Pure Blood .
Is it clear then ? The message of the Loyal Gods permanently resounds in the blood of the sleeping men . Who does not hear it is because he suffers from the strategic confusion or is unaware of its existence , which is the same . But how should the charismatic message fulfill its function ? In two steps . In the first place the Gods speak , in the blood of man , of a primordial memory , of something happened at the beginning of Time when the Spirit had not yet been captured by the Gods of Matter . How the Gods manage to do it is a very great Mystery , of which only They can answer . This " primordial memory ", the " nursery rhyme " of the allegory , has been induced with the purpose of " activating " the Memory of Blood proper to the sleeping man .
If such a thing occurs , then the sleeping man will experience a sudden " nostalgia for another world ", a desire to " leave everything and go ". Technically it means that the Memory of Blood has arrived " there where the lost Self was found ": on the conscious subject . Such a contact , between the Self and the Memory of Blood , is carried out independently of the cultural structure and the reason ; And that is the goal sought by the Loyal Gods . It has thus been possible to reach the marrow of the Self , by way of the blood ; it will be then , in that brief moment when the " Song of L-ove " will be heard .
I will now speak of the second part of the message , which I have called allegorically , " Song of L-ove ". First of all I will say that such a name is not capricious because the Hyperborean Wisdom teaches that , from its Origin in the physical Universe , that is , from its synchronization with Time , the Spirit remains chained to Matter by a Mystery of L-ove . When the Memory of Blood , activated by the first part of the message , opens a path ( non-rational ; noncultural ) towards the Self , then the Loyal Gods sing the Song of L-ove , they make the man participate in the Mystery . If his blood is pure enough so that the charismatic message can be consciously assimilated then the man has the possibility of " orienting himself " towards the Origin and stay definitely " awake ".
The Mystery of L-ove can only be revealed by the Pure Blood , internally , in a transcendent contact with the Self that is done without intervention of cultural or rational categories . It is , therefore , an absolutely individual experience , unique for each man . Who knows the secrets of the Mystery of L-ove is a transmuted Hyperborean Initiate , that is , an Immortal Man of Stone .
The Mystery of L-ove is a personal discovery , I repeat , unique to each man about the Truth of his own Fall . No one can know this secret and continue the same . And no one , much less , would dare to talk about it once the Supreme Experience has taken place . On the contrary , many times the lips are sealed forever , the eyes are blinded , and the ears closed . Not a few hairs turn white , let alone minds that sink into the darkness of madness . Because only an infinite value can sustain , alive and sane , the one who has seen the Deception of the Origins and has understood , at last , the Truth of his Fall . Being the weight of the secret so terrible it is understood why I say that there can never be a hint of the Mystery of L-ove and only someone irresponsible or crazy would