The Mistery of Belicena Villca affirm the contrary . The Hyperborean Wisdom provides blood purification techniques that are intended to bring the Mystery closer . But the Mystery itself is discovered internally , it is unique for each man and it is not advisable to talk about it . At most some suggestions can be offered , such as those I exposed on Days Eight and Ninth when narrating the Cold Fire Ritual .
The allegorical story of the prisoner has made it possible to expose the simple method employed by the Loyal Gods to guide men asleep . The charismatic message manages , if it is heard , to " wake up " the man putting him in contact with his Blood Memory . Then it makes him participate in the Mystery of L-ove , Supreme Experience that nullifies , we said , the cultural Strategy of the Synarchy . But it is not possible to know in what the Mystery of L-ove consists until we have lived it individually . There are only the general indications left by those who were transmuted and left . On the basis of these indications it can be affirmed that the Mystery of L-ove is experienced in seven different ways by man and that , precisely , is the reason why the Hyperborean Wisdom foresees seven initiatory paths of liberation .
According to the way in which the Mystery of L-ove has been gnostically perceived will be the Path of Liberation adopted and that is why it is often spoken of a " Path of the Mutation " or " of the Ray "; of a “ Dry Path ” or “ Righthand Path ”; of a “ Wet Path ” or “ Left-hand Path ”; of a “ Path of the Strategic Opposition ” or “ Path of the Warrior Gnosis for the Absolute Orientation ”; etc .
I will not speak , of course , of all the paths of liberation but of that which has a special relationship with this story , that is , the “ Path of the Strategic Opposition ”, which was followed by the House of Tharsis . But the Path of the Strategic Opposition is the ultimate interpretation of the ancient Mystery of the Labyrinth , founded by Navutan after the sinking of Atlantis : to the House of Tharsis , the second part of the Song of L-ove , which was “ heard ” during the Ritual of the Cold Fire , revealed the Mystery of the Labyrinth as a way of individual liberation . It is worth saying that the Lords of Tharsis , always , understood the Mystery of the Labyrinth when transmuting into Men of Stone . With regard to the allegory of the imprisoned Self , we must understand that Navutan ' s solution to the Mystery of the Labyrinth , to the Mystery of the spiritual chaining , to the Mystery of Death , is analogous to the solution of the Song of L-ove : it consists of a mode to 1st ., awaken ; 2nd ., orientate . Such a way is what is lately called " Path of the Strategic Opposition ” and that necessarily includes the use of the Vrunes and the principle of the enclosure .
In the allegory , the second part of the message was quite long because it also referred to " the other ways " of liberation that can " open " the Mystery of L- ove . But the prisoner has found the key in the Wedding Ring and this means , analogously , that he has opted for the Path of the Strategic Opposition . The message has reached him “ acoustically ”, that is , gnostically , and , by becoming aware of its content , by means of the revealed key , he finds in the cell a ring , which allows to open the secret exit .
The " cell ", according to argument 4 , is analogous to the sphere of shadow . But , as the substratum of the sphere of shadow is the cultural structure : a ring " hidden " on the floor of the cell undoubtedly corresponds to a mathematical principle , to an archetypal symbol integrated , " concealed ", in the scheme of a relationship .
The allegory allows us to understand , then , that the Liberator Gods with their charismatic message , discover a mathematical principle that remained unconscious in the cultural structure , which we call “ principle of the enclosure ”. Hence : - 10 - c - The “ Ring ” in the prisoner ' s cell is analogous to the “ principle of the enclosure ”, mathematical principle , or Collective Archetype that remained unconscious in the sleeping man and that the message of the Liberator Gods un-covers .
I showed , days ago , that in the mental process that gives rise to the " scientific idea ” of a phenomenon , elements from two main sources concur : the " mathematical principles " and the " preeminent cultural premises ". This is