The Mistery of Belicena Villca seven security circuits of this formidable " prison " are connected by " drawbridges ", " corridors ", " gates ", " lifting grids ", etc . Beyond the last wall the " outside world " extends , the Enemy ' s country . In short : the “ prison ” is a static structure that stands between the prisoner and the outside world . b - A complex static structure interposes between the Self and the outside world so-called " cultural ". The " reason ", to make the information of the outside world “ reasonable ”, rests on certain elements of the mentioned static or “ cultural ” structure , for example the " preeminent cultural premises ", which signify concepts about the perceptions of external cultural entities or objects . c - The “ prison ” is analogous to the “ cultural structure ”. Also : certain parts of the " prison ", walls , moats , bridges , etc ., are analogous to certain parts of the " cultural structure ", that is , the " preeminent cultural premises ". Bear in mind , Dr . Siegnagel , that , in the allegory , both the " Guardians " like the " prison " are intermediaries between the prisoner and the exterior world . But the " gatekeepers " are " dynamic " intermediaries ( analogously to the " reason " in the sleeping man ) while the " prison " is a " static " intermediary ( analogously to the " cultural structure " of the sleeping man ).
- 8 - a - Beyond the last wall of the prison stretches the “ exterior world ”, that reality that can never be seen by the “ prisoner ” due to the structure of the " prison " that limits his movement and that a permanent " guard " takes care that such a situation is maintained . b - The Self , in the sleeping man , is habitually submerged in the depths of the cultural structure , floating lost among its artificial and static elements and at the mercy of the implacable tyranny exercised by reason . The cultural structure completely surrounds the Self , except for some cracks , where faintly the " sensory sphere " appears . Beyond the cultural structure , as object of the instinctive and sensory spheres , the " external world " extends , the reality that can never " be seen " ( in its truth , " as it is ") by the lost Self . c - The " outside world " beyond the prison is analogous to the " outside world " beyond the " cultural structure " that holds the Self in the sleeping man . - 9 - a - On a nearby mountain , the Kameraden try to help the “ Prisoner ” to escape from the “ prison ”. For this they send a message , in their native language , using the acoustic medium . In this message there is a " nursery rhyme ", to " wake up " the prisoner , and a " love song ", with the " key to the ring ", for him to find the secret exit and flee . b - In a hidden " center " called Agartha , the Loyal Gods try to help sleeping men break the chains that hold them down to the material world of the Demiurge . To do this , they charismatically send a message in the " language of the birds ", using the Vrunes of Navutan . In this message there is a " primordial memory ", to awaken and orient man , and a " Song of L-ove ", with the " key of the ring ", so that he looks for the center , returns to the Origin , and leaves , as a God , the material Hell of Jehovah Satan . c - Many analogies can be established between “ a ” and “ b ”. I will only highlight the most important : The Kameraden are analogous to the Liberator Gods .
I believe that the preceding nine arguments constitute an effective demonstration of the analogical correspondence that exists between the “ allegory ” and the situation of the sleeping man . But this is not all . I have saved three components of the allegory , nursery rhyme , Song of L-ove , secret exit , to make a last analogical correspondence and draw the final conclusion .
As the validity of the existing analogical relationship has been evidenced in the preceding arguments , it will not be necessary to resort to the same method in the next comment : I ' ll take the analogies I mentioned for granted .
I will now recall the reasons that led me to develop the allegory . I proposed to show , in an analogical way , the method used by the Loyal Gods to counter the action of " Culture ", strategic weapon of the Synarchy . I previously clarified