THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 221

The Mistery of Belicena Villca reason , that is , to the rational animic subject , by virtue of being this subject the closest to the World and who first receives the impressions of external entities . By " reason ", in any case , it must be understood , " the evolutionary animic subject " proper to the animal man , who evolves by the confused action of the Self , that manifestation of the chained Spirit . - 1 - a - The prisoner is at the mercy of his guardians , who keep him in perpetual captivity . b - The Self , of the sleeping man , is a perpetual prisoner of
" reason ", that is to say , of the evolutionary animic subject . c - The " prisoner " and the Self are analogous .
– - 2 - a - The “ guardians ” are the dynamic intermediaries , mean by the way , between the " prisoner " and the " outside world ".
b - " Reason " is a dynamic intermediary , very poor , between the Self and the " outside world " ( in the sleeping man ).
c - The “ guardians ” and “ reason ” are analogous ( remember that when reason elaborates a " law of nature ", the " mathematical principles " and the " preeminent cultural premises " intervene ).
- 3 - a - The “ guardians ” use their “ own language ”, different from the prisoner ' s language , which he has forgotten . b - " Reason " uses logical modalities , different from the " primordial Hyperborean Language ” original of the sleeping man which he has forgotten because of his strategic confusion . c - The guardians ' " own language " is analogous to the logical modalities of the cultural structure . The prisoner ' s " native language " is analogous to the " Hyperborean Language " of the sleeping man . - 4 - a - The first environment of the " prisoner " is his " cell " in the tower , which contains it almost completely with the exception of the openings ( door and window ) through which the senses can only very weakly extend . b - The first environment of the Self is the " sphere of shadow ", which contains it almost completely . c - The " cell " of the tower is analogous to the sphere of shadow of the man asleep . - 5 - a - In the " cell " there is a " barred window " through which the prisoner gets a precarious but " direct " image of the outside world . b - Establishing permanent contact with the Self is the " sensory sphere ", by means of which it obtains a precarious but " direct " image of the outside world . c - The " barred window " is analogous to the " sensory sphere " ( or " the senses ”) in the sleeping man . - 6 - a - In the cell there is a " barred door " through which the guards enter , and with them the censored news , that is , from where the prisoner gets an " indirect " image of the external world . b - The Self can form an " indirect " image of the outside world through “ reflection ”, that is , the act by which information is received " reasoned ". c - The " barred door " is analogous to the act of reflecting or warning . - 7 - a - The " prisoner ' s " cell is in a " tower " and the latter in a " walled courtyard ". Surrounding the walls are " deep moats ", and then other walls , and other moats ; and so on until completing seven laps of wall and moat . The