THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 220

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
If such were the feelings of the prisoner , then the second part of the message will give him the key to find the secret exit .
Notice that I have said the key and not the secret exit . Because it happens that by means of the key , the prisoner must seek the secret exit , a task that must not be so difficult considering the small dimensions of the cell . But after he finds it , he must complete his feat by descending to incredible depths , traversing corridors plunged in impenetrable darkness and climbing , finally , to remote peaks : such the complicated path of the enigmatic secret exit . However he is already saved , at the very moment he starts returning , and nothing and nobody will be able to stop him .
We only need , to complete the epilogue of the allegory , say a word about the second part of the acoustic message , the one that had the key to the secret . It was also a song . A curious song that told the story of a forbidden and sublime love between a Knight and a Lady already married . Consumed out of hopeless passion the Knight had undertaken a long and dangerous journey through distant and unknown countries , during which , he became skilled in the Art of War . At first he tried to forget his beloved , but past many years , and having verified that the memory was always alive in his heart , he understood that he should live eternally a slave of an impossible love . So he made himself a promise : it wouldn ' t matter what adventures he had to run on his long road , nor the joys and misfortunes that they would involve ; inwardly he would remain true to his love without hope with religious devotion , and no circumstance could remove him from his firm determination .
And so the song ended : remembering that somewhere on Earth , now turned into a warrior monk , marches the valiant Knight , provided with mighty sword and spirited steed , but wearing around his neck a bag that contains the proof of his drama , the key to his love secret : the Wedding Ring that will never be worn by his Lady .
Contrary to the children ' s song in the first part of the message , this did not produce an immediate nostalgia but a feeling of modest curiosity on the prisoner . Hearing , coming from who knows where , in his ancient native language , the story of the gallant Knight , so strong and courageous , so complete in battle , and yet so sweet and melancholic , so torn inside by the Memory of L-ove , the captive felt prey of that modest curiosity that children experience when they sense the promises of sex or intuit the mysteries of love . We can imagine the prisoner reflecting , perplexed by the enigma of the evocative song ! And we can assume , too , that finally he will find a key in that Wedding Ring ... which according to the song would never be used in any wedding . By induction , the idea of the ring will lead you to seek and find the secret exit .
So far the allegory . We must now highlight the analog relationships that link the prisoner with the Self of the sleeping man .
Forty-Fifth Day General Synthesis of the Hyperborean Wisdom : In order for the analogue relationship to be clearly evidenced I will proceed according to the following method : first I will state a premise regarding the allegorical story of the " prisoner "; secondly I will affirm a premise referring to an analogous situation in the sleeping man ; in third place , I will compare both premises and draw the conclusion , that is , I will demonstrate the analogy . It is understood that I cannot expose all of the correspondences without the risk of extending indefinitely . Therefore I will only highlight those relationships that are essential for my presentation and I will leave , as an exercise of imagination , Dr . Siegnagel , the possibility of establishing many others .
Just remember that in the sleeping man , the lost Self finds itself immersed in the conscious animic subject , that is , confused with the evolutionary animic subject or Soul . Here I have preferred to consider the lost Self linked directly to