THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 207

The Mistery of Belicena Villca friendship of the Pontiff , without imagining that in Paris , Nogaret and Guillaume Imbert were preparing his ruin . And in a few months , Clement V would get the Chief Golen not to distrust his good faith .
Enguerrand de Marigny and Guillaume de Nogaret were elevated to the two most important posts in France : Coadjutor of the Kingdom and Keeper of the Seal of the King , respectively . With that power , they implemented a secret operation that had as objective the execution of a simultaneous and effective action in the entire Kingdom : such action took place on October 13 , 1307 , when all the Knights Templar of France , including their Grand Master , were arrested on charges of heresy . In truth , the accrued charges by Nogaret were many and varied , but heresy was emphasized to obtain the intervention of the Inquisition Tribunal , which in France was chaired by Guillaume Imbert of Paris . The strategic success of the Domini Canis soon became apparent : while the Grand Master received requests from the Knights to resist arrest , and hesitated on the attitude to assume , Guillaume de Plasian delivers a message to him where the Pope guarantees his help and advises him to renounce defending the Order and submit to his will . This is how the Grand Master orders all Knights to surrender , and he himself trusts the papal intervention . Moreover , as the Golens believed , they still possessed quite a lot of weight within the Dominican Order of Preachers .
Philip the Fair wastes no time : without resistance , his troops occupy all the Templar properties . Terror rages in the enemy Order ; hundreds of Knights and monks are imprisoned . By this firm procedure no one doubts the seriousness of the accusation and soon manages to gather enough witnesses and evidence to ensure its settlement . Besides the Inquisition , Philip the Fair convenes the Provincial Councils , the University of Paris and the Estates General to judge the Order . Thus , as it emerged from the darkness of its diabolical foundation , all the people of France would attend the exhibition of the secret Templar philosophy and would know their depraved customs . This is what happens during the three years of public proceedings , when the astonishment , disgust , and horror of the French know no bounds . But what perhaps is more astonishing is that during that period the Templars continued believing that a saving act on the part of the Pope would free them from condemnation .
In the process it is possible to prove that the Templars professed the following ideas and customs : I- the high dignitaries of the Order maintained that Christ , who was mysteriously called Navutan , had been an impostor and not the true God ; II- Christ was never crucified for the redemption of the human genre ; III- the cross would not be , thus , the instrument of his passion , but a creation of Christ Navutan himself , whom he would have called Vrune ; IV- all Knights , whatever their grade or condition , should spit periodically that Symbol of Evil , in order to make amends to the Creator God : thus , it was proven that at least once , all the Templars had spat out the crucifix ; V- consequently , they denied the Holy Virgin ; VI- they officiated the mass according to their own canon and in a foreign language , which later proved to be the Hebrew ; VII- they worshiped a hermaphrodite idol with hideous features that was referred to under the nickname of Baphomet or Bafoel but whose name , which they never pronounced without paling , was Bera ; VIII- they pretended that idol represented a God more powerful than Christ , who , unlike the Messiah , manifested itself more frequently among men ; IX- they stated that that abominable Devil imposed upon them , from the days of Saint Bernard , the obligation of practicing sodomy , a vice to which they had become used to and constituted a natural custom among the superiors of the Order ; X- the Grand Master , and the Grand Priors or Preceptors , performed a secret ceremony in which they offered human sacrifices to Baphomet , especially children ; XI- the Ritual required the incineration of the victim in a furnace provided for that purpose ; XII- with the calcined ashes the Templars made a human bleach , and they kept it secret as the most precious Good ; XIII- they firmly believed that that lye had the power to wash the anointing of the Christian sacraments : as they confessed , by means of such bleach they would have nullified the effects of baptism and communion , which they considered " spells of the Cross ", etc .