THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 208

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
From the beginning the Domini Canis decided to distinguish between " Templar " and " Golen ". In the Middle Ages it was normal that in a trial for heresy defendants who spontaneously confessed be acquitted , they repented , and they accepted the Christian sacraments ; in the process to the Templars such possibility was offered repeatedly and many agreed to confess what they knew . However , the Domini Canis were unwilling to allow that the Golen could escape from the trap : for They , who had never forgiven , there would be no forgiveness ; only the " Templars ", that is to say , the Knights not initiated in the Baphomet Cult , would be given the opportunity to save their lives in exchange for their testimony . It was thus that an overwhelming amount of evidence was gathered against the Golen of the Order provided by their own members , confessed and repentant heretics . And then the process became irreversible , for neither the Pope nor anyone else could save the Order once the people and the Church became aware of their heresies and aberrations : the Strategy of Philip the Fair and the Circulus Domini Canis had triumphed , now definitely , over the plans of the White Fraternity ; the Golen didn ' t suspected the comedy played by Clement V until it was too late ; the Templars , in charge of founding the Universal Synarchy , would be destroyed .
In this way , the Golen of the Knights Templar were exterminated without mercy , receiving firsthand the medicine that on so many occasions they administered the Blood Pact supporters : ironically , the Inquisition Tribunal , which they used to end the Cathars , now condemned them in an unappealable way to die at the stake : as in the martial art of jiu jitsu , the Enemy took advantage of their own strength to defeat them .
The Golen would never forget the process to the Templars . Especially remembered would be the date of May 10 , 1310 : that day , in the Council of Senz , whose bishopric was exercised by Philippe de Marigny , Enguerrand ' s brother , were burnt at low heat 56 Knights Templar , the cream of the Golen Hierarchy . Ever since the Lords of Tharsis set fire to the Sacred Forest , and killed the 20 from Carthage , the Golen had not had such a fateful day like that May 10th . Handcuffed each with his back to a robust pole , Senz ' s fifty Golen formed a long line of condemned , a procession of specters marching towards Hell ; at the feet of each post , the stacked wood augured the next end of the Priests of the One God . Before the brothers minor threw the burning torch , a Knight of King Philip , a warrior monk of some unknown Order , was approaching the heretics and uttered a few words in a low voice , which those present took for a pious prayer . However , upon hearing it , the Golen faces turned decomposed with hatred , and some broke out in atrocious curses : those words simply said : --By Navutan and the Blood of Tharsis !
Completing the row , as the Golen raised their Soul to Jehovah Satan and demanded an indescribable punishment for the Man of Stone , that Knight , who was none other than Charles de Tharsis , signaled to the Executioners , and the bonfires began to burn . Soon the Golen , and their synarchic dreams , were nothing but ashes ; a handful of vile ash that would not be enough to wash away the damage done to the House of Tharsis and so many others that fell annihilated for opposing those insane dreams .
To complete the work it was necessary to legalize the result of the Strategy of Philip the Fair . For this purpose the Pope convened the Ecumenical Council of Vienna , from October 1311 to May 1312 . Although defeated in all fronts , the Golen still had the strength to pressure and try to prevent the agreement on the extinction of the Order . There was a secret conference between five Cardinals faithful to Philip the Fair and six delegates of the Council , in which they informed the latter of the dire consequences of opposing the King of France and acquitting the Order , despite the irrefutable evidence gathered against it . But the terror unleashed was very great , and , between the King ' s punishment and the revenge of the Golen , many remained undecided . The representatives of the King before the Council , Guillaume de Nogaret , Guillaume de Plasian , Charles de Tharsis , Enguerrand de Marigny , etc ., showed their eloquence to persuade the Bishops of the need for the Church and Christianity to suppress that focus of heresy . There was even a moment around