THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 206

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But the Golen knew this and counted on the ingenuity of the Hyperborean Initiates to defeat them ; They , on the other hand , were pure cunning and their main weapon was called deception , a pale reflection of the Great Deception with which the One God disguised his miserable Creation . Hence they never expected a cunning reaction from the Initiates , whom they believed were always ready to be deceived and betrayed . --- " They were already betrayed once , at the beginning ---they scoffed , twisting their mouths--- and always will be . They pretend to be Roosters , and only are stupid free-range hens ! With their otherworldly Honor sooner or later they will offer us their back ; and then our daggers of this world will end with them " --- . Undoubtedly , the Golen were making a misjudgment by trusting the Honor of the Hyperborean Initiates : according to the principles of war , the Enemy beliefs are weaknesses that can be exploited in own profit . The Hyperborean Initiates lacked cunning but knew what was cunning ; and could use it as a strategic weapon to surprise the Enemy . This is the concept that was defined in Poitiers : if the Golen believed that their enemies would act with Honor , and these were alerted , then they would be the naive ; then , they could be deceived by cunning , which They did not expect , and led into a death trap . And the Honor of the Initiates would be safe because nothing in their Spirits would change or affect their strategic orientation towards the Origin : in the midst of an action of war , the Initiates would have played with illusion , pretending to be what they were not ; if the Golen , masters in the art of manipulating the illusion of the Created World , fell into the simple incantation of the Initiates , it could only qualify as exploitation of the Enemy ' s error , something perfectly legitimate according to the laws of war .
If the Templars were attacked from all sides at once , with security they would defend themselves , with unpredictable results ; on the contrary , if the attack came ostensibly from the camp of the King of France , while on the side of the Pope , whom they should trust , they found protection , they would neglect that side and be fatally defeated : strategic cunning would consist in achieving that trust in the Pope so that he could deliver them , unarmed , to the King of France . In other words , the Strategy would require setting up a scene with enough realism to fool the Golen : at the beginning , they should not suspect the plot of the comedy ; after the outcome , it would no longer matter . The main actors would be the Pope and the King of France : the Pope would pretend to proceed in good faith , but would prove fearful of royal retaliations ; he would make promises and try to win the confidence of the Enemy , who would believe him to be a friend ; Philip the Fair , for his part , would represent the intolerant and ambitious sovereign , trying to attract upon himself all the attention of the Enemy : this would help the role of Clement V . When all was ready in Poitiers , the curtain was raised and the first act of the drama began : this began with the publication of a Crusade against Andronicus Palaiologos , Emperor of Constantinople , who was accused of maintaining the schism of the Greek Church . Since the fall of Saint John of Acre , the Templars had withdrawn to Cyprus , where they held a regular garrison , while the Order of Knights Hospitallers did the same on the island of Rhodes . With the purpose of establishing its participation in the Crusade , Clement V summoned the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay . Once in his presence , with total naivety , the Pope manifested his intention to carry out the old idea of Gregory IX to merge all the military Orders : such an idea , of course , caused horror to the Templars as integration with an exoteric Order would put their secrets uncovered . Not suspecting the trap , the Grand Master would try to persuade the Pope of the inconvenience of such a measure : according to his impression , it would not be difficult to deceive a simple mind like Clement V .
After the insane fall of Golen Boniface VIII , the Golen were alerted of the Domini Canis offensive , and they knew what to expect regarding the election of Clement V . However , they considered him only an instrument of Philip the Fair and his environment of " sons of darkness ": the impression of the Great Golen Jacques de Molay confirmed it ; the Pope was permeable to affective influence . The Grand Master would therefore entertain himself in winning the