THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 205

The Mistery of Belicena Villca others betrayed the French Nation for mere love of profit . Philip IV would be inflexible with such vermin : some , he only expropriated , since they lived in other countries ; but others he expropriated and expelled from the Kingdom , since they lacked the ethical virtues necessary to deserve the right of residence .
Returning to the Templars , I hope that now , in the light of their disproportionate territorial and productive patrimony , there is a more realistic vision on why the King of France and Clement V should agree to deal very cautiously with the problem of the Order of the Knigths Templar . Those 90,000 encomienda , to continue with the example , were attended by 30,000 monks , three thousand Knights , and 270 thousand lays , which represented an eventual warrior force far superior to the national army of Philip the Fair : a Templar military reaction would hardly be contained in France at a price other than that of large casualties in the national army , a fact that could determine the end of the Hyperborean Strategy of the Mystic Nation and the resurgence of the papal theocracy ; could then , in spite of everything , succeed the plans of the White Fraternity . On the other hand , it is enough to remember what was said on the Eighteenth Day about the financial strength of the Order to understand that if in each of the 90,000 parcels could be obtained money on loan , deposit it , or turn it to any of the others , you were in the presence of the most formidable banking network in the world , only comparable , but not surpassed in volume of infrastructure , to the modern Hebrew financial corporations of Rockefeller , Rotschild , Kuhn-Loeb , or other benefactors of Humanity . It will be easy to deduce that the organization had to have a finetuned network of spies , dedicated to obtain the economic and political information necessary to direct the progress of business . Thus , it will be understood that the smallest leak of the projects designed by Philip the Fair and Clement V could quickly reach the ears of the Grand Master and the Golen Top Brass and cause the consequent alarm . A better Strategy would be to expose other different concerns as topics of the interview : a discussion on the question of ecclesiastical revenues , for example ; or the situation of Christianity in the East ; or the attitude of the King of England , etc . But the true and secret reason for the Poitiers interview , as History was in charge of demonstrating , was to project the Strategy that would make it possible to extinguish the Templars and the dismantling of its gigantic infrastructure .
Forty-Second Day
All those present in Poitiers , the Lords of the Dog Guillaume de Plasian , Guillaume de Nogaret , Guillaume Imbert of Paris , and Clement V , the Man of Stone Charles de Tharsis , and the Hyperborean Initiate , and King of France , Philip the Fair , agree that the greatest chances of triumph over the Enemy depend on the use of a secret weapon : cunning . Cunning is the evolutionary result of an animal instinct and characterizes the behavior of the animal man or animic man , that is , the man endowed with a body and a Created Soul . But there are also men who possess Uncreated Spirit , although in most of the cases it is subsumed in the Created Soul and therefore such men are said to be spiritually asleep : they too can manifest psychic cunning as the Spirit asleep or strategically confused is unable to prevent it . But something very different happens when the man is indeed spiritual , which can only be affirmed if he is an Initiated in the Hyperborean Wisdom : in that case his conduct is governed by the Honor and not only lacking in cunning but in any other characteristic of the animal man , such as cowardice , curse , infidelity , lying , envy , slander , deceit , betrayal , etc . But what is the Honor of the Hyperborean Initiate ?: The act of his Graceful Will , that is , the act of his Eternal Spirit , which is pure Grace . None of those present , for example , possessed cunning in the personality since Honor had guided them throughout their lives ; and now they demonstrated an act of the Highest Honor by fighting with all their might for the triumph of the Blood Pact .