THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 204

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of the strategic objectives of Philip the Fair , that had led him to confront Boniface VIII and to oppose national Civil Law to Canon Law .
But it was not just about taxes : the Templars , from the advent of Philip IV , had been developing a plan destined to break the economy of the Kingdom through the impoverishment of the feudal nobility and the depopulation of the countryside . Its food products , offered in cities at dumping prices or simply given away in monasteries , made useless any attempt of state economic planning or the rational exploitation of national resources ; consequently , the Feudal Lords , who only had land as a source of income , became poorer because of the devaluation of the fruits of the field while accepting as a solution that the peasants , burdened with taxes and who they could no longer feed , emigrate to the cities . Of course such a subversive task was in line with the Golen Strategy : it required the destruction of the nobility and the weakening of the monarchy as a step prior to the establishment of a theocratic World Government , which would still be a stage prior to the Synarchy of the Chosen People . Faced with the Ghibelline attitude of Philip IV , the Order of the Knights Templar had only intensified a policy that embodied its reason for existing . However , as we see , that policy was going to have a surprising end .
It should be added that the anti-national economy of the Templars complemented in its destructive capacity with the commercial offensive launched over France through the Italian cities . But this has another explanation . When Philip IV received the Kingdom , it was almost an adventure to enter the roads of France to practice trade ; the danger was that the route , in general , went through numerous fiefdoms whose Lords , impoverished by the indicated causes , used to levy heavy and arbitrary tributes to the goods in transit : that in the best of cases , since most of the time some Lord , too jealous of his rights , proceeded to strip the merchants of all their cargo . But if this did not happen , the business was equally risky due to the accumulation of levies that added at the end of the road . It goes without saying that the feudal lords , apart from controlling the roads , had their own armies with which they fought among themselves and imposed their own law on each region . Philip IV , when constituting the Mystic Nation , proposed to solve this problem from the outset . On his behalf , Enguerrand de Marigny gave the solution : the King should never resort , except in case of foreign War , to the troops of the Lords . Arose thus , from the School of secular Domini Canis Legists , the concept of internal security , defined practically on the basis of the hypothesis of the internal conflict . Marigny ' s solution was to create a kind of royal police force , the King ' s militia , in charge of patrolling all the roads and enforcing the laws of the Kingdom : next to them would go , later , the tax collectors . The royal troops , usually mercenaries , soon brought to reason the Lords and in a short time the roads had not only become safe for the trade , but a single tax was charged in any region of the Kingdom .
It was this situation of security and order that attracted the greed of the foreign merchants . Italian cities , in particular , had fleets that traveled the world acquiring the most varied and exotic items against which there was no possibility of raising any competition . The French cities were thus flooded with imported products that contributed day by day to further destroy the Kingdom ' s economy : while the foreign traders and merchants were getting rich , often selling smuggled merchandise , the Kingdom had to bear the enormous expense that it represented militarily guaranteeing that internal security . That ' s why the currency was debased and inflation arose ; and the craftsmen ' s guilds , unable to compete with foreign products , fell into misery and dragged the national industry in the worst depression . Aside from Templar dumping , a rigorous analysis of the Domini Canis , showed Philip IV who were the hidden culprits of that situation : the Lombard bankers and the members of the Chosen People . Lombard bankers financed the Italian companies that operated in France , which the Templar Bank also did . And the members of the Chosen People were among the main interior supporters of the companies and foreign capitals : many of them had family ties with the Jewish bankers of Venice or Milan , or with the owners of large companies , while