THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 203

The Mistery of Belicena Villca was no more than a Cathar Initiate who was a liaison with the Domini Canis of Toulouse . The display of such alleged weaknesses reassured the Golen , until it was too late . However , Clement V ' s fidelity to the CĂ­rculus Domini Canis , and his unbreakable Honor , can be ascertained observing , not his personal behavior , but the way he complied with the mission . To mention some of his most notable decrees let ' s begin recalling , for example , that in 1306 he confirmed the law of Philip IV by which , in the same day , all the property of the Jews was expropriated and these were ordered , under penalty of execution , to leave France in a very brief time . According to a bull , the Colonna were once again Catholic and they were to be restituted their titles and properties ; according to another , the Church committed not to receive a single louis from the Kingdom of France during the following years . At the request of Philip the Fair , his lawyers , managed a post-mortem ecclesiastical process to Boniface VIII , who had the approval of Clement V ; at its end , the Pope issued the bull Rex Gloriae , in April 1311 , where the conclusions are summarised : in that bull , Res visenda , it is ordered that all bulls of Boniface VIII against Philip IV were publicly burned ; Philip IV was innocent and " most faithful Catholic "; as they would also be innocent of the attack on Anagni , Nogaret , Sciarra , and Charles ; Boniface VIII , on the other hand , was not declared heretic but guilty of obstinatio extrema . And let ' s add that in the course of his pontificate he ended up seizing most of the gold accumulated by the Benedictine orders , always simulating an insatiable ambition , and that he ignored the claims of the Lombard bankers , victims of a law of expropriation that confiscated their properties in France .
It is evident , then , that Clement V accomplished all the goals of his mission or arranged the legal means for them to be materialized . Precisely in an interview held in Poitiers , in 1306 , with Philip the Fair , the two Initiates agreed on how to dissolve the Order of the Temple : for Clement V , Lord of the Dog , this represented the eighth objective of the mission and would constitute the most important strategic act of his pontificate ; for Philip IV , it meant the neutralization of the " II tactical line " of the Enemy , as I explained on the Thirtieth Day . Naturally , it will not be understood why a powerful King like Philip IV , and a Pope who was the Superior General of the Order , had to carry out a secret planning to extinguish it , without making the effort to imagine what the Order of the Knights Templar actually consisted of in the fourteenth century , the magnitude of its economic , financial and military power . But , if you think about it , it will be clear that the Order was in a position to present various types of responses , military or economic , that could cause serious difficulties to Philip IV . It must be kept in mind that the plans of the White Fraternity relied , to a great extent , on this Order , and that the Strategy of the Circulus Domini Canis demanded its destruction to ensure the failure of those plans : the blow , then , would have to be forceful and surprising .
The Order , in effect , had more than 90,000 encomienda distributed in the countries that are currently called Portugal , Spain , France , Holland , Belgium , Germany , Hungary , Austria , Italy and England . In the France of the early 14th century , including Auvergne , Provence , Normandy , Aquitaine , the County of Burgundy , etc ., where the most extensive estates were , existed approximately 10,000 Templar estates : of these , 3,000 were parcels of 1,000 hectares on average each . In total , those properties amounted to 3,500,000 hectares , which represented 10 % of the surface of France . But this percentage will not reflect the potentiality of the latifundia if it is not noticed that that 10 % of the total area of France , that is , including rivers , mountains , forests , and all sorts of unusable land for cultivation , constituted a 10 % of the best land , chosen for two centuries with the patience of a Benedictine monk and obtained through donations digited by the Church . And there was more : those parcels , which were composed of thousands of farms in full agricultural exploitation , were exempt of any kind of tax since the Order depended directly on the Pope , a privilege that , until Boniface VIII , made them inviolable properties for any temporary Lord . Changing this situation was precisely one