THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 202

The Mistery of Belicena Villca years , of grace , its income from France , in order to clean up the economy of the Kingdom ; fourth , rehabilitate the Cardinals Colonna and their family ; fifth , to appoint Cardinals certain Domini Canis who , from time to time , would be indicated to him ; sixth , to approve the determinations that the Kingdom adopts against the Chosen People ; seventh , seize the gold accumulated clandestinely by the Cluniac and Cistercian Benedictine Orders ; eighth , contribute effectively to achieve the extinction of the Order of the Knights Templar and the dismemberment of its financial infrastructure .
On June 5 , 1305 , the Cardinals elect Bertrand de Got , who takes the Name of Clement V . He immediately requests to be crowned in Lyon , capital of the County of Provence . Why there ? It ' s another long story , Dr . Siegnagel , which I will not be able to narrate here ; but I will give you a synthetic answer . Lyon , is a city built on a site known in ancient times as Lugdunum , that in Gallo- Celt meant hill of Lug ; the name originated because in that hill existed a Temple dedicated to the Cult of the God Lug . Now : such Cult was , indeed , ancient , from the time of the dark Atlanteans , but it remained active even thousands of years after the Atlanteans had abandoned Europe ; How ?: because their descendants traveled from Egypt so that there would never be a lack of Priests on the Hill of Lug or Lyg , that is , in Lyon . When the Golen came accompanying the 5th century B . C . Celtic invasion , they decided to make Lyon their main sanctuary . There they remained henceforth , during the Roman , Burgundian and Frankish domination , until the days of Philip the Fair . At the time , the Golen practically occupied the region from hundreds of Benedictine , Cluniac , and Cistercian monasteries , and extensive Templar encomiendas : the Cult , of course , had not disappeared but was part of the secret Templar rites , since the Knights were the ones who guarded the exact site of the ancient Temple . To provide just one enlightening example , I will say that it was no accident that Golen Pope Innocent IV convened the XIII Ecumenical Council in the City of Lyon , in June 1245 : it had the purpose of decreeing the excommunication of Emperor Frederick II , which materialised after the Pope ' s violent speech that dealt with " the five wounds of the Christendom ”, of which the fifth was the Emperor . That is to say , that , to condemn who represented the Universal Emperor of the Blood Pact , the Golen had been located in the most sacred Temple of the Cultural Pact .
Thus , the crowning of Clement V had the character of a challenge raised in the very heart of the Enemy . And the Enemy did not miss so reckless action : a sabotage on a crowded stage , in the moments when the royal procession passed , caused a collapse ; Philip IV and Clement V saved their lives by the Will of the Gods , but no luck had the twelve princes who died on the spot , while many others were seriously wounded , among them Charles de Valois , brother of the King ; days later Gaillard de Got , brother of the Pope , was assassinated . Philip IV swore then to obtain Lyon for his House , which he accomplished , indeed , in 1307 , and purge it of Golen . Clement V , for his part , announced that he would be heading to Bordeaux to tidy up and deliver the Archbishopric , but he fell by surprise at Cluny , where he proceeded to seize the gold ; to assess the pain , that this fulminant revenge would have caused the Golen , just think that the collection of the gold took five days due to its extraordinary quantity . In spite of everything , Clement V did not flee from Lyon , but returned and established his residence there , where he remained until 1309 , the year he moved to the walled palace of Avignon , owned by the Church .
In conclusion , Dr . Siegnagel , the Hyperborean Wisdom suggests lending attention to Lyon , especially in our days , because , as well as the Chosen People have proposed to make their voice heard from Jerusalem , when the nefarious work of the Synarchy is consummated , thus also the Golen have proposed to make their voice heard from Lyon at that time .
Logically , Clement V had to simulate some kind of independence from the King of France to avoid a desperate reaction on the part of the Golen . To that end he appeared to be fond of worldly luxuries and pleasures and even cohabitated with the Countess of Perigord , daughter of the Count of Foix , who