THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 199

The Mistery of Belicena Villca he vehemently assures that it will be impossible to resist the " French ", who already are looting the palaces of the Cardinals : there is only the possibility of joining them and sharing the loot . Desperate , the Guelphs indulge in pillage , stealing side by side with the Ghibellines the cardinal and papal palaces . This is how priceless works of art , treasures of the antiquity , and very rich tableware of gold and silver , dissappear ; each one takes as much as he pleases and can charge . Some discover the wineries , in charge of satisfying the exquisite palates of the cardinals and quenching their unsatiable thirst , and soon the bottles circulate from hand to hand . During the day , few will be the Anagnians that have not stolen something or have been drunk ; no one ventures through the streets and the city is under the total control of the few men of Nogaret .
While the night looting is carried out , and the population is entertained in this barbarous task , a feverish warlike activity develops around Boniface ' s palace , who , aware that with his reduced guard he will not be able to resist a long time , tries to come to terms with the besiegers ; his legate receives the conditions : surrender at discretion , lift the excommunication of Philip the Fair , rehabilitate the Colonna , and go prisoner to France to be tried in the Council . Upon knowing them , Boniface resists accepting them and remains in despair : he only manages to wear the Golen priestly garb and wait for his enemies seated on the Throne . Between sobs of bitterness , he fervently prays to the Creator God to perform the miracle of saving him and the plans of the White Fraternity . Is it possible , he asks himself loudly , that the Warlords triumph over him , who is a representative of the Creator of the Universe ? If he , who had been entrusted to hold back the temporal Kings , had failed , what new misadventures would ensue then to the Golen Orders , who for so many centuries developed the plans of the White Fraternity ? After each of these questions he convulsed and it was obvious he would soon lose his mind .
With the exception of two Bishops , one Spanish and one Italian , all flee from his side as they can ; some are captured and killed by the men of Sciarra Colonna , while others are held hostage because they voluntarily surrender , including his own nephew . Those news end up depressing Boniface . At last , a window gives way and penetrate through it Guillaume de Nogaret and Charles de Saint Félix , followed by half a dozen Ferentino soldiers who stay at a safe distance so as not to be recognized by the Pope . Nogaret and Charles approach the Throne : wearing the Papal tiara , replica of the Egyptian crown of the dark Atlantean Priests ; wearing the white robe of the Levitical Priests of Israel , on which it is embroidered the Four Leaf Clover of the Golen Priests , stylized as a Celtic cross ; in his right hand holding the Cross , symbol of the Spiritual Chaining , and on the left the Keys of Saint Peter , symbol of the Kâlachakra Key with which the Traitor Gods to the Spirit of Man consummated their Original Treason ; there he sat , his eyes blazing with hatred and terror , one of the most wicked men on Earth .
– Cathar , son of Cathar ! --exclaimed defiantly when he recognized Nogaret-- . Your master , the King of France , cannot stand against the Law of Jehovah God !
–" Knight , I am of the King of France " --replied the Gascon-- , and I can assure you , detestable Priest , that my Lord only knows and respects the Law of Honor , which is the Law of the Holy Spirit , of the Will of the True God ; only your God Jehovah , who is a Devil called Satan , whom you obey slavishly , can oppose that Law .
– Damn Golen ! --now it was Charles de Saint Félix , or Charles de Tharsis- Valter , or Charles de Tarseval , the one who spoke-- Be assured that the King of France will put an end to you and the diabolical Orders that support you ! You can never rule the World as long as there are Initiates like him or Frederick II ! But be still more assured that We , the Eternal Warriors of Kristos Lucifer , one day will destroy the Chiefs of your Chiefs , the Hidden Hierarchy of Supreme Priests who keep the Uncreated Spirit in the enslavement of the created matter !
Boniface paled and shuddered with terror when he heard the Man of Stone . Something as a halo of essential hostility detached itself from that Knight with