THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 200

The Mistery of Belicena Villca an impressive intensity : what was the death of the Warm Life in front of that other Death sensed through his presence ? What the loss of the Life , of the ephemeral joys and riches , of Power in this World or the punishment of the Supreme Priest in the other world that so much frightened him until then , in front of the abyss of eternal Death into which the Eyes of Ice of the French knight plunged him ?
– Heretics ! – He screamed out of himself , at moments when a door jumped shattered and rushed in a crowd preceded by Sciarra Colonna – Respect who , by the disposition of the One God , must rule in the whole Orb !
Sciarra , that mortal enemy of Boniface , managed to hear his last words and slapped him violently with the iron mitten , causing blood to flow from his cheek . Nogaret had to restrain him from not piercing him right there with his sword . The people and the soldiers , meanwhile , took hold of whatever valuable object they had within reach .
With the palace taken , Boniface prisoner , and the City under control , the situation was not , however , promising . It was one thing to enter secretly in Italy , and prepare a surprise attack , and another to go out carrying the Pope prisoner . Not even in Anagni could they last long if the villagers discovered how small the number of occupying troops was . In the port of Ostia was waiting for them a ship of the Annibaldi family , allies of the Colonna , but to get there , they would need a significant reinforcement . Sciarra ' s brothers were in charge of attending with 5,000 men , but were delayed and September 7 passed in tense calm , while the Anagnians were waking up from the surprise . On the 8th , everything was the same but rumors began to circulate among the villagers that they had been victims of treachery and a coup from a few attackers . Hostility began to make itself felt in the form of multiple provocations to the soldiers of Nogaret and it was immediately clear that Anagni would have to be left as soon as possible . Guillaume de Nogaret , Charles de Saint Félix and Sciarra Colonna were deliberating on whether to kill Boniface or risk taking him away with them when they learn that Godofredo Busso has gone back to the side of the Pope and has cut off their entrance to the Palace . Immediately the battle resumes , now bloody , and the three envoys of Philip IV are forced to flee leaving Boniface VIII in the hands of the Guelphs . Days later they are in France , being approved by the Great King everything acted in Anagni .
It is that the life of Boniface would no longer serve Golen interests because he had irretrievably lost his reason : a month after the events of Anagni , on October 11 , 1303 , he would die in Rome , concluding with him the Age of medieval Golen domination in the Holy See , and failing the imminent realization of the plans of the White Fraternity , that is , the World Government and the Synarchy of the Chosen People . The High Strategy of the Lords of Tharsis and the Circulus Domini Canis were triumphing over the Powers of Matter : Philip IV , who appeared as the exoteric cause of Golen ' s failure , was a Hyperborean initiate who fulfilled to the letter the esoteric guidelines of the Hyperborean Wisdom . But the death of Boniface , Dr . Siegnagel , pointed only the beginning of the end . Still had to be dismantled the financial infrastructure of the Templars , the germ of the Synarchy of the Chosen People .
The crisis that broke Boniface ' s Soul occurred when his diabolical pride was terribly humiliated by the acts of his enemies : First the Cathar Nogaret , treating him as a subject of the King of France and making him prisoner in his name . Then the mysterious Charles de Saint Félix , transmitting his terrifying power and preaching the failure of the most secrets plans of the Golen Orders : that confirmed Bernard de Saisset ' s suspicions , the Bishop of Pamiers , that around Philip the Fair there was a conspiracy of the Sons of Darkness ; surrounded by enemies , captured in his own palace of Anagni , bathed in cold sweats , Boniface lately understood that he had underestimated Philip the Fair and that he did not take seriously enough the frequent alarms sent by the Cistercian monks and the Templars . Then gripped by a mixture of hatred and terror , he felt that his Soul was becoming hopelessly depressed . Next the Banditti Sciarra , daring to beat him and even threaten