THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 198

The Mistery of Belicena Villca family of Saint FĂ©lix de Caraman . In Florence , the banker of the King of France gives Nogaret a large sum , as he had the order to provide the Gascon with whatever was necessary for his mission . From there depart several men addicted to the Ghibelline party to give notice to the allied Lords of the Colonna , in the vicinity of Anagni , Alatri and Ferentino . The Pope is in his palace at Anagni , his hometown in the former pontifical state of Frosinone ; the neighboring city of Ferentino , Ghibelline rival of the Guelph Anagni , is the meeting point of the conspirators ; the chosen day : September 6 , that is to say , a day before the issuance of the bull that would excommunicate Philip IV .
On the appointed day , in maximum secrecy , a dozen Lords arrive , sworn enemies of Boniface VIII , who had been waiting for years for a similar opportunity for revenge : everyone intimately craves an opportunity to execute Boniface , since they consider his transfer to France useless ; ironically , Guillaume de Nogaret will have to appeal to all his authority to protect him and thus comply with the Strategy of Philip the Fair . Every Knight had traveled separately , accompanied by a small escort that would not arouse suspicion ; these troops were joined by the mercenary troops contributed by Captain Reinaldo Supino , guard of Ferentino who was sold to Nogaret for 1,000 florins . In total , 300 riders and 1,000 infants : those companies would be really meager for the task proposed to carry out , if not for the fact that they had the principle of surprise in their favour , since neither Boniface VIII , nor his Golen henchmen , imagined remotely that they could be attacked on Anagni . Formed a few kilometers away , Nogaret ' s battalion seemed to come out of nowhere ; and nobody in italy could have known in advance of their existence to warn the Golen .
One of the Ghibelline Knights was Nicola , of the powerful family of the Conti , whose brother Atenolfo , resident in Anagni , would give vital collaboration to the invaders . Through him , he is able to buy the commander of the papal guard Godofredo Busso , for a good bag of gold , while Atenolfo himself would take care of fooling the Anagnians during the attack .
At midnight the warriors of Kristos Lucifer arrive in front of the ancient capital of the Hermics ; two Knights carry the banners of France and the Church . Nicola Conti guides them to a door in the wall that has been opened from the inside and all rush to the shout of : " Die Boniface ! Long live the King of France !". The horsemen , followed by the infantry , are deployed in various groups down the narrow and steep roads . They go straight to the sumptuous palaces , belonging to the Cardinals and the Pope , and various Churches of splendid ornamentation . The commander of the papal guard joins , together with part of his own , to the intruding forces and begin the siege of the palace of Boniface VIII , who barely has a few men to resist . For once , history is reversed : the plot is the same , the characters similar ; it is the fight of the Spirit against the Powers of Matter , of the King of the Blood against the Golen Priests , of the representatives of the Blood Pact against those of the Cultural Pact ; but this time it is the King of the Blood who triumphs over the Golen Priest , over the exterminators of the Pure Blood , over the proclaimers of Crusades against the Hyperborean Wisdom . Inside of the sumptuous residence , Boniface ' s pride plummets . See him there , trembling and crying like a woman , the Demon Golen who wanted to rule over the charisma of the King of the Blood ! Maybe he does not cry for the tragedy of the moment but for the future punishment to be imposed by his Lord , the Supreme Melchizedek Priest , and the Masters of the White Brotherhood .
The inhabitants of Anagni , besides , wake up with the surprise that their city is occupied by troops of the King of France . Someone rings the bells calling for reunion and all the families run to the market square ; the news are overwhelming : Sciarra Colonna has come up with a battalion provided by the King of France and will surely kill the Pope . Godofredo Busso has gone over to the enemy and the City has remained unguarded . Quickly , in the midst of a great confusion , they name Atenolfo Conti as boss . This , accompanied by some neighbors , previously chosen from among the Colonna and Conti supporters , parley with the assailants . He talks to Reinaldo Supino and returns right away ;