THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 197

The Mistery of Belicena Villca that only his is the true faith , he qualified the French -notably one of the most Christian peoples- of Cathars . He is a disgusting sodomite , as numerous testimonies prove . He is also a murderer : in his presence he had many clerics put to death telling the guards , when they didn ' t get to kill them with the first hit : ' Hit , hit , Dali , Dali '. He forced priests to violate the secrets of the confessional . He does not observe vigils or fasts . He casts philippics against the College of Cardinals , against the Order of Teutonic Knights , against the Order of Dominican Preachers , against the brothers minors and the Spiritual Franciscans , often repeating that they ruin the world , that they are hypocritical and false , and that nothing good will happen to whoever confesses before them . Trying to destroy faith , he has conceived an old aversion against the King of France , in his hatred of the faith of the true Christ , because France is where the splendor of faith is and was , the great support and example of Christianity . He raised everyone against the House of France , England , Germania , confirming the title of Emperor to the King of Germania , and proclaiming that he did so to destroy the pride of the French , who boasted that they were subject to no one regarding temporal things , that there was no one on earth above their King , adding that they lied through their ruff , and declaring that even if an Angel came down from heaven and said that the French are not subject to Boniface or the Emperor , it would be anathema . He allowed the Holy Land to be lost ... employing in his personal wars and his luxuries the money destined to the defense of that site . He has been publicly recognized as simoniac , and still much more , as the source and basis of simony , selling profits to the highest bidder , imposing on the Church and on the Bishop servitude and vassalage , in order to enrich his family and his friends with the patrimony of the crucified , and to make them Marquesses , Counts , Barons . He dissolves marriages for Money ... cancels vows of the nuns ... in sum , Gentlemen , he said that , in brief , he would make all of the French martyrs or apostates ”.
Impressed by Plasian ' s accusations , all accompanied by abundant evidence , the parliamentarians agree to invite Boniface VIII to attend the council in order to exercise his defense . However , Philip IV is not satisfied with the collective approval and writes personal letters to the many dioceses from France ; while Nogaret leaves for Rome to notify the Pope , Guillaume de Plasian , escorted by a dissuasive royal troop , personally visits each city , town or village , and collects the signature of the estates . As expected , almost all sign when reading the King ' s letter and hearing the exposition of the official accuser ; the only resistance is from the Cistercians and the other Benedictine Orders , main Golen havens : Citeaux , the Cluny , and the Templars , angrily disapprove the behavior of Philip the Fair and they state that there is nothing reprehensible in Boniface VIII . On the other hand , the University of Paris , the Dominicans of Paris and the Franciscans of Touraine declare themselves in favor of the King .
In mid-August , Boniface VIII publishes a bull in which he affirms that only the Pope is authorized to convene a Council and attempts to defend himself against Plasian and Nogaret ' s accusations . In the end he wonders : how did it come to the absurdity of the Cathars accusing the Pope of being a heretic ? But the spies of Philip IV inform him that the decree of excommunication of the King and the interdict of the Kingdom of France is being drafted : the bull has been given in advance the date of its issue : September 7 , 1303 .
Philip IV decides to strike a hand and capture Boniface before he makes known his infamous resolution . Already in France , he would be tried by the Council and formally deposed , appointing in his place a French Bishop of his trust . To fulfill this plan , he grants Guillaume de Nogaret carte blanche , to whom he hands his own sword and says these historic words : –" The Honor of France is in your hands , Sir Knight ". Guillaume de Nogaret heads to Italy accompanied only by Sciarra Colonna , Boniface ' s most fearsome personal enemy , and by Charles de Saint Félix , a Domini Canis who was the grandson of Peter of Crete and Valentina de Tharsis : Nogaret knew Charles as a child , for he was the son of the former Lord of the