THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 196

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the blunders of the false prophet ... These things , which were announced by the Father and Patriarch of the Church , we see them now with our own eyes performed letter by letter . In truth , there it is sitting in the chair of the Blessed Peter that master of lies , that despite being Maleficent ( Malfaisant ) in every possible way , is still called Beneficial ( Boniface ). He did not enter through the gate , into the fold of Our Lord as a shepherd and farmer , but rather as a robber and thief ... Although the true husband of the Church , Celestine V , was alive , he dared to offend his wife by means of illegitimate hugs . The real husband was not involved in this divorce . In fact , according to the human laws , Nothing is more opposed to consent than error ... It cannot marry who , while the worthy husband lives , has mansillated the marriage with adultery . However ; as everything that is perpetuated against God is a grievance and an insult that is committed against everyone , and as regards a crime so great , the testimony of the first to arrive has to be received , even if it is that of the wife , even that of an infamous woman . – I , therefore , like the beast who , through the power of God was endowed with the Voice of a true man to reprove the blunders of the false prophet , who even got to curse the blessed people , I address my supplication to you , the most excellent of princes , our Lord Philip , by the grace of God the King of France , that after the example of that angel who showed the naked sword to that curser of the Chosen People , you , who have been anointed to fulfill justice , will have to oppose the sword to this other and more fatal Balaam , and prevent him from consummating the damage he is preparing against the people ”.
The damage consisted of the King ' s excommunication and the release of all French Christians from fulfilling the oath of allegiance , thus calling the Kingdom into question which could be legitimately conquered by the one the Pope authorized : such were the plans that Boniface VIII was preparing and that Philip IV ' s spies reported to him periodically . On the other hand , as an effect of Nogaret ' s manifesto , no official action was taken , but soon the people began to refer to the Pope as " Malefic VIII ", which explains why Gascons enjoy in France the same fame that Andalusians in Spain .
Fortieth Day
On June 13 , 1303 an Assembly of the Estates General is held in the Louvre , presided over by the King . In it the complaints against Boniface VIII are renewed and it is formally stated the need to convene a Council to condemn him and appoint a new Pope . The Nobles , the Cities , and the nationalist Bishops accept . Guillaume de Plasian requests to be the accuser of Boniface in the future Council ; which is accepted too , and reads a statement where he exposes his arguments : “ I , Guillaume de Plasian , Knight , say , I anticipate and I affirm that Boniface , who now occupies the Holy See , will be found a perfect heretic , according to the heresies , prodigious facts and perverse doctrines mentioned below : 1st . he does not believe in the immortality of the Soul ; 2nd . he does not believe in eternal life , for he claims that he rather wishes to be a dog , an ass , or any other brute rather than French ; thing that he would not say if he believed that a Frenchman has an eternal Soul . He does not believe in the true Presence , for he adorns his throne with greater magnificence than the altar . He has said that to humiliate his majesty and the French he would disrupt the Entire universe . He gave his approval to Arnaud de Villenueve ' s book , the protected sorcerer of the Cistercians , who had been condemned by the Bishop and the University of Paris . He had statues of himself erected on the Churches with the purpose of being worshiped together with the Crucified . He has a family Demon , whom he calls " Bafoel " who reveals to him how much he wishes to know : that is why he said that even if all of humanity was located on one side , and he alone in the other , he cannot be wrong , whether it is an aspect of fact or law . He expressed in his public sermon that the Supreme Pontiff , even if he puts a price on all the sacraments and ecclesiastical offices , cannot commit simony , which is a heresy to assert . Like a confirmed heretic , that holds