THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 195

The Mistery of Belicena Villca no two heads like a monster has ; namely : Jesus Christ and the Vicar of Jesus Christ , Peter and the successors of Peter , are the head of the Church ". “ For this reason , the spiritual and temporal Swords are subject to the power of the Church ; the second should be used for the Church , and the first by the Church ; the first , by the Priest ; the second , by the hand of the Kings and Knights , but at the will and consent of the Priest ”. " A sword , however , must be subordinate to the other , and the temporal authority to the spiritual power ". The King must not interfere in the affairs of the Church , even if it is concerning its income , because if he does so , he makes a serious mistake , he interferes with the " spiritual power ", and the Pope is obliged to judge him and call him to order , without , on the contrary , being anyone on the Earth who can judge the Pope : “ We see this clearly in the contribution of tithes , both in the glorification as well as sanctification , in the reception of that power and in the government of things . Because , as the truth testifies , spiritual power must institute and judge earthly power , if it is not properly exercised ”. “ Therefore , if earthly power errs , it can be judged by the higher power ; but if in truth the supreme power errs , it can only be judged by God , not by any man ”.
That is to say , that all the accusations against Boniface VIII exposed during the Assembly of the Estates General , and transcribed in the letters to the Cardinals , lack value because they come from those who have no spiritual capacity to judge the acts of the Pope : only God can do it . And to believe otherwise is a manifest heresy : “ Therefore , whoever resists this power so ordained by God , resists the law of God , unless he pretends the existence of two principles , like the Manicheans ... From what we declare , we say and define that it is entirely necessary for salvation , that all human creatures are subject to the Supreme Roman Pontiff " (“ Porro Subesse Romano Pontifici , omni humanae creaturae declaramus , decimus et diffinimus omnino esse , de necessitate salutis ”). The glove was thrown in the face of the King of France ; and it was clearly noticed , in the words of the bull , the intention to excommunicate him .
In the next four months , Philip the Fair and the Domini Canis hold several secret meetings . Boniface VIII ' s prestige has fallen further lower than ever in France , after the bull Unam Sanctam : it is the time , the Lords of the Dog propose , to depose the Pope ; once beheaded the Golen Dragon , it will be easier to slaughter his body . However , the argument of the illegitimacy of his investiture does not have the unanimous support of the University of Paris , a necessary requirement to substantiate the claim or imposition of a new papal election . Gains momentum , instead , the idea of filing a charge of heresy : heresy , according to canon Law , is grounds for the removal of the Pope and has a historical background . Of course , to prove such an accusation , and to derive from it the substitution of the Pope , would require the framework of a general Council . Philip IV is then ready to force the convocation of a Council to judge the " heretical " conduct of the Pope : he trusts in asserting , there , the number of his national bishops . The Lords of the Dog will accompany him by implementing a campaign to denounce heresy against Boniface VIII , as a way of morally influencing on the Bishops and , also , on the Nobles and the Cities . Guillaume de Nogaret and Guillaume de Plasian , offer to act as accusers , the first being chosen to perform a secret mission in Italy , which would not prevent him from starting the campaign of accusations “ publicly begging the King to defend Christians from the wickedness of Boniface VIII ”, and the second to publicly accuse the Pope .
On March 12 , 1303 , Guillaume de Nogaret , before the Council of Ministers of the King , reads and signs a manifesto , which is immediately copied and published throughout the Kingdom . He said thus : “ The glorious prince of the apostles , Blessed Peter , speaking in the name of the Spirit , told us that , just as in times past , so in those to come , will arise false prophets who will cloud the path of truth , and who , in their greed , and through their deceptive words , will traffic with us , following the example of that Balaam who was satisfied with the prize of iniquity . To impose his punishments and make his threats , Balaam counted on a bestial creature that , endowed with human speech , proclaimed