Thirty-Seventh Day
The Mistery of Belicena Villca
We are approaching , Dear Dr . Siegnagel , the outcome of the story of Philip IV , that is , the moment when the plans of the White Fraternity fail , developed over the previous seven hundred years by the Golen .
I already indicated where the King ' s Strategy should begin : Occupation of the real space and Enclosure . Then the internal enemy should be eliminated to safeguard the national Mystic , which is the effective field of action of the Royal Function . The concepts of the Hyperborean Wisdom that I have exposed in the last Days , and which were assimilated in analogous way by Philip IV in the XIII century , allowed access to a different strategic point of view , from which the acts of his reign acquired their true meaning . Philip IV receives the Crown of France in 1285 : he inherits from Philip III , in that moment , the military disaster of the Crusade against Aragón and the obligation contracted by the Kingdom to invest his brother Charles with the Crowns of Pedro III . But Philip IV is not interested in continuing the fight and he only limits himself to stopping the bold strokes of the Aragonese , who , encouraged by their triumphs , carry out periodic incursions and landings on French territory . The peace of Tarascón , agreed in 1291 , and the Treaty of Anagni of 1295 , put an end to the unfortunate campaign and overshadow the Golen papal hope of ending the influence of the Houses of Swabia and Aragón on the affairs of Italy .
What was the reason for this political change in the House of France ? The application of the principle of the Enclosure and the understanding of the true nature of the Enemy : Philip IV , although the Aragonese , like everyone in their time , took time to notice , was more Ghibelline than Pedro III ; Aragón could never be the essential enemy of a King of the Pure Blood like Philip the Fair : at best it would be a chivalrous adversary , another Nation fighting to impose its Mystic . That is why Aragón was not on the list of the six main enemies of the Kingdom of France .
By applying the principle of the Enclosure , Philip IV immediately determines the strategic borders of France : to the East , the country ends on the shore of the Rhine ; towards the North , in the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel ; and heading to the West , the Pyrenees marked the limit of the Kingdom of Aragón . For Philip IV , and for his Domini Canis instructors , it was strategically wrong to try to expand at the expense of Aragón , a Nation endowed with powerful Mystic , without having previously applied the principle of the Occupation in one ' s own territory : hence the failure of the Crusade . Consequently , he would devote a great diplomatic effort to agree to peace with Aragón , which he would effectively achieve , as was anticipated , at a Congress held in Anagni in 1295 . Hands free , the King would undertake the enterprise of expelling the English from French territory .
Guyenne was the largest province of France after the Languedoc ; from its capital , Bordeaux , came Bertrand de Got , a Lord of the Dog that was Pope under the name of Clement V and who will be discussed later . But that enormous Duchy was in the power of Edward I Plantagenet since 1252 , although surrounded by the French Counties of Poitou , Guyenne and Gascony , and the Kingdom of Navarre , whose King was also Philip IV . The opportunity to occupy the English squares of Guyenne would be provided by a conflict between English sailors and Normans in the port of Bayonne in 1292 . The English Corsairs seized a French squadron and sacked La Rochele : nothing more needed the French to seize numerous forts and castles and try to close the enclosure . Two years later , England and France were locked in a fierce naval warfare .
The war against the English foreign Enemy not only meant a change of front in French politics but also provided a good pretext to initiate the administrative reform of the Kingdom . This reform , long planned by the Domini Canis legists , should necessarily begin with the financial separation of the Church and the State : essentially , it would be necessary to control the ecclesiastical revenues , which were usually turned over to Rome outside all