THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 185

The Mistery of Belicena Villca oversight . At the same time , a tax system would be sanctioned to ensure the continuity of royal income . The pretext consisted of the authorization that the Popes had granted Philip III and Philip IV to tax with a tithe the income of the Church of France in order to pay for the Crusade against Aragón : although in 1295 peace with Aragon was made , a year before war broke out with England giving Philip the opportunity to continue with the exactions . That was not legal ; however soon it would be thanks to a royal law of at the end of 1295 imposing on the clergy of France the compulsory contribution of a " tax of war ” on their income .
Before seeing the reaction of the Golen Church , it deserves a separate comment the attitude that the Golen Pope Martin IV had assumed when he questioned the Kingdoms of Pedro III : it clearly shows the great hatred that he had for the House of Swabia . The fact is that that imposing army , which Philip III led to Catalonia , was not only financed with the tithe of the Church of France : Martin IV suspended the Crusade that Edward I of England was planning to the Holy Land , to derive against Aragón the tithe of the English clergy . But he also spent in full the sums with which Sardinia , Hungary , Sweden , Denmark , Slavonia and Poland , had contributed to help the Christians of Palestine . Waiting in vain for help from Europe , the bastions of the East would soon fall into the power of the Saracens : in 1291 , Saint John of Acre , the last Christian stronghold , yielded to the Emir of Egypt Melik-el-Ascraf . In this way , two centuries after the first Crusade , and leaving rivers of blood behind it , the existence of the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem concluded . The Order of the Knights Templar , without the need to simulate the support of the " army of the East ", was free to dedicate itself to its true mission : to assert itself as the leading financial power of Europe , maintain a Knights ' militia as a base for a future single European army , and promote the destruction of the monarchies in favor of the World Government and the Synarchy of the Chosen People .
After the deaths of Martin IV and Philip III , Pope Honorius IV continued giving tithes to Philip the Fair in the hope that he would give fulfillment to the Crusade against Aragon . The same criterion , from 1288 to 1292 , would adopt Nicholas IV who was a supporter of the Angevins despite belonging to a Ghibelline family ; however , he favored the Colonna family , appointing Pietro Colonna as Cardinal ; he founded the University of Montpellier , where Guillaume de Nogaret would teach law ; and placed under the direct jurisdiction of the Throne of Saint Peter the Order of the Franciscan Friars Minor ; the fall of Saint John of Acre caused him great consternation and he published a Crusade to send aid to the Christians and attempt the reconquest ; he was making those plans when he passed away from an epidemic that decimated the city of Rome . At the death of that Pope , who represented an encouraging promise in the projects of the King of France , the Cardinals mostly fled to Rieti , in Perugia , leaving abandoned the Holy See for more than two years : during that interval the papal throne would remain vacant . Apparently the twelve Cardinals , six Romans , four Italians , and two French , could not agree to elect a new Pope , but in reality the delay was due to a clever maneuvering of Philip IV and the Lords of the Dog .
The Golen had favored the French presence in Italy because they considered the House of France as unconditionally Guelph : they never foresaw that from its bosom would rise a Ghibelline King . Such confidence was initially rewarded by the terrible repression that Charles de Anjou unleashed on the Ghibelline party and the members of the House of Swabia . And these " services " had the effect of increasing French influence in the affairs of Rome . Philip IV would know how to take advantage of this situation to secretly prepare the resurrection of the Ghibelline party . His main allies would be the Colonna family members , and Cardinal Hugh Aycelin , who communicated with him through Pierre de Paroi , Prior of Chaise , who was Lord of the Dog and French secret agent : all had been offered rich French Counties in exchange for support in the Sacred College . The support consisted , of course , in preventing the election of a Golen Pope or , in the best of cases , appointing a Dominican .