The Mistery of Belicena Villca Catholic Pontiff ; then the wars would end and the Christians would always live in peace , far from weapons and battlefields , and the caprice of the Lords , dedicated to work and prayer , protected by the absolute justice of the Representatives of God and his Law ; a single World Government would retain the Power , and it would even be possible for the Two Swords to be in the hands of an imperial Pope ; and peace would bring wealth for all equally ; but that wealth would be administered fairly and equitably by a single Bank , product of a bank concentration , or financial Synarchy , exclusively dependent from the Supreme Priest who would hold the Universal Power . The Christian people , then , should not doubt who really represented its interests and to whom Universal Sovereignty should be granted without question : the occupant of the Throne of Saint Peter , the promoter of the universalis pax , the regent of the Dove of Israel .
Against that Christian civilization of Love and Peace , of egalitarian culture , opposed the national borders and the Kings of the Blood ; and the pagan civilization of Hatred and War , which invariably occurred within the mystical enclosures ; and the Aristocracy of the Spirit ; and the strategic subjects that charismatically perceived and knew the limits of the national borders : against them would fight without declaring war , subversively , the internal , and external Enemy , of the Nation , supported by its fifth column forces , in its international organizations , all aimed at the establishment of the World Government and the Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People .
And then who was the Enemy of the French Nation ? With the advice from the Domini Canis , Philip IV rigorously determines the identity of the Enemy , who is deployed in various tactical wings . In order of danger , the different lines of action were carried out by the following organizations : I ) the Golen Church . For centuries , already , the Golen controlled the papal election and , from Rome , directed the Christian world . Although the main enemy itself was the Golen , these would oppose Philip IV as an external Enemy through the Pope and as an internal Enemy through their monastic , warrior and financial Orders . II ) The Golen Benedictine Orders : the Congregation of Cluny , the Cistercian Order , and the Order of the Knights Templar , which used the Kingdom of France as a base of operations . III ) The Chosen People , with its permanent corrupting and destabilizing task . IV ) The Lombard Banking , owned by the Guelph Houses of Italy . V ) The royal English House , controlled by the Anglo-Saxon Golen and owner of large fiefdoms in the Kingdom of France . VI ) Certain feudal lords vassals of the King of France , such as the Count of Flanders , who betrayed the King in favor of the royal English House , motivated by commercial and financial interests , which were not oblivious to the numerous and wealthy members of the Chosen People who infected the Flemish and English cities , and by the anti-French influence of the Anglo-Saxon Golen .
Third : build the Strategic Wall . It is idle to clarify that Philip IV did not meet the third objective of the strategic way of life because , if such a thing had happened , the history of mankind would have taken a totally opposite course and would not be found today , again , in the moments preceding the establishment of the World Government and the Synarchy of the Chosen People . The application of the Principle of the Enclosure , brilliantly accomplished by Philip the Fair , cost him his life at the hands of the Enemy within , but served to signal the total failure of the plans of the White Fraternity for that Epoch . And the Men of Stone and the Hyperborean Pontiffs , who within the Circulus Domini Canis awaited the opportunity to apply the Lithic Wisdom to build the Strategic Walls , had to suspend the project due to the lack of aptitude for initiation of the later Kings , who plunged the Kingdom , already a Sovereign Nation , in multiple difficulties , only one of which was the Hundred Years War .