The Mistery of Belicena Villca Strategy and , consequently , which is the people of the Purest Blood and who is the most spiritual King of the Blood . But this is a Worthy enemy , since it recognizes the existence of the adversary Nation although he does not respect the limits of its Enclosure : with such an Enemy , it is always possible to agree to a national coexistence agreement , which does not mean , of course , the ultimate peace , since it is not possible to suspend the charismatic effect of the Aristocracy of the Pure Blood : in both Nations , will emerge leaders who will try to resolve the issue . The permanent peace is not conceived in the National Strategy of the Blood Pact peoples but a completely different concept , known as National Mystic , and that will be achieved by both peoples at the end of the War : the primary objective of the national war is not , thus , the mere occupation of enemy territory , nor the imposition of a foreign Culture , nor the annihilation of the opposing people ; all these goals , placed in the foreground , are due to the strategic deviations introduced by the Priests of the Cultural Pact ; the main objective is the incorporation of the enemy Nation to its own national Mystic , the Charismatic Linkage between both peoples and the coincidence with the King of the Blood , whoever he may be ; and if it means the destruction of a royal House , the extinction of a Voice of the people , the triumphant Mystic will manifest itself , for all strategic subjects in conflict , in another Voice of the People of a superior charismatic character , that will express everyone equally .
But , in the second degree , we must consider the Enemy which does not admit even the right to exist to the Mystic Nations . With this Enemy there are no possible conciliations of any kind . Of course it does not request them either , since it never openly declares war , which it claims to repudiate , and prefers to operate secretly , from within the strategic enclosure . In this way it intends to corrupt and destroy the charismatic foundations of the mystical State and cause the weakening and eventual suppression of the boundaries of the national Enclosure , that is , cause the deformation and disintegration of the mystical form . That Enemy , which must be qualified as synarchic , counts in all Nations , and in all sections of state structures , with organizations of agents indoctrinated in the goals of the Cultural Pact : such satanic internationals conspire against the very existence of the mystic Nation ; and therefore against the application of the principle of the Enclosure and the Charismatic Linkage between the King and the people , which puts the Nation out of its control , that is , out of the control of the White Fraternity , which is the one that encourages , nourishes and vivifies the synarchic internacionalisms . The plans of the White Fraternity , I already amply explained , aim to establish the Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People .
That is why those internationals all agreed to support the principles of the Cultural Pact , artfully aiming at weakening the foundations of the hyperborean strategies of the Blood Pact Peoples : To remove the ethical basis for the reality of the Aristocracy of the Spirit , founded on the racial heritage of the Symbol of the Origin in the peoples of the Pure Blood , they affirmed the equality of all men in front of the Creator Jehovah Satan . To demonstrate that the Strategic Enclosure , and the Nation defined by it , was just a petty idea , made by mediocre , narrow and selfish men , who would never accept the " High Ideal of Universalism ", they used Christianity as an instrument to culturally equalize the peoples and conditioned them to identify the Universal Principle of Power with the Pope of Rome , who undoubtedly wielded the priestly Sword that dominated the temporal Swords of the Kings : the Pope was a true Universal Sovereign , who reigned over the peoples and Nations ; in front of his " Greatness and Power ", the work of the Kings of Blood was to appear to the sleeping men evidently devoid of mystical character ; and the Aristocracy of the Spirit and the Blood , would be , for those fanatical egalitarians , an artificial creation of Nobility , a product of the privileges of feudal society .
And to discredit war as a means of affirming the National Mystic , they proposed the utopia of peace : a perpetual peace that would be obtained in any case if humanity entered the stage of religious universalism , if all the secular powers , the temporal Swords , bowed before the priestly Sword of the Supreme