The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The principle refers , in truth , to a strategic Enclosure , whose existence depends only on the Will of those who apply and sustain it . Therefore the Enclosure encompasses multiple fields , apart from the merely territorial : an occupied area can be effectively enclosed , but such a geographic area is nothing more than the " application " of the principle of the Enclosure ; it is not the strategic Enclosure itself . The strategic Enclosure never describes a geographic area , not even geometric , but charismatic . This is clearly seen in the case of the Nation . The members of a Nation admit many national borders in addition to geographical : the territorial limits of Babylon were perhaps marked by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers , but the frontiers of fear that inspired its national army extended to the entire Ancient World ; and the same principle can be used to point to any other aspect of the Culture of a Nation , which will always present an area of national influence different from the state ' s geographic space . But , and this is the important thing : only the members of a Nation know where its limits begin and end ; those who are strangers to it will be able to intuit the regions in which the national is manifested , but the precise definition is only known by those who belong to the Nation . And this perception , which is neither rational nor irrational , is said to be charismatic .
The Hyperborean Wisdom affirms that the principle of the Enclosure determines a form and a content : the form is called " Mystic "; and the content , " Charisma ". The members of a Nation , on the other hand , are strategic subjects . A Nation , as a product of a strategic Enclosure , determines its own mystical form , which is perceived charismatically by the strategic subjects that belong to it . All Mystic , national or any other , is independent of time and physical space : the manifestation of it is purely charismatic . Hence , all those who perceive the Mystic , that is , those who are under the same strategic Enclosure , acquire identical knowledge of its form , without difference in perspective : such unity is possible because all strategic subjects have an a priori connection , which is the Common Origin of the Pure Blood ; in the form of a Mystic , the strategic subjects experience a Charismatic Linkage , which unites them in the Origin , and reveals identical Truth to them . Thus understood , the concept of centrality of the Mystic : every strategic subject is the Center of the Mystic ; but , since perception is charismatic , not temporal or spatial , it is clear that the same center is simultaneously in all strategic subjects . With regard to the Mystic Nation , for example , there is a Center that lies simultaneously in all the members of its people , the strategic subjects : each of them projects the principle of the Enclosure in any field , whether geographical or cultural , and receives the National Mystic charismatically ; and the Nation is one and the same for all .
And now it will be better understood Dr . Siegnagel , the charismatic character of the Royal Function : according to the Hyperborean Wisdom , if the Center of a national Mystic is embodied in a man , this , without any doubt , is the King of the Pure Blood , Racial Leader , Charismatic Chief , etc ., of that people . The King of the Blood constitutes , then , the fundamental Center of the Mystic of the Kingdom , which is the same center that lies simultaneously in all its subjects : “ so that nothing material can come between the King of the Blood and the people ”, since between them there is the Charismatic Linkage in the common Origin of the Pure Blood .
By applying the principle of the Enclosure to his Kingdom , Philip IV perceives the Mystic of the French Nation and also observes , as by contrast , the Enemy , external and internal . Who is the Enemy ? There are several degrees to consider . First , the Enemy is anyone who opposes the establishment of the strategic Enclosure : someone who recognizes a national border but does not accept it ; someone who presses against any of the national borders . In this case is , for example , another Nation , neighboring or not , but which exercises the unquestionable power of expanding its national enclosure , based on the Divine Right of the Spirit to Reign on racially inferior peoples and occupying their territory : the controversy will be decided by the war , the means by which it is unequivocally determined which Nation possesses the best Hyperborean