The Mistery of Belicena Villca Blood and Race , organized as a Sovereign State , and occupying and enclosing the lands of its Kingdom , constitutes a Nation . Inside the fence there is the Nation ; outside , the Enemy . However , such an ideal separation may be altered by various factors and it is not without struggle that the application of the principle of the enclosure comes to fruition giving birth to nationality : it can happen , as will be seen immediately , that the area of the enclosure exceeds , in certain strata of the real space , the territorial area , and invades the space of other nations ; but it can happen , also , that the external Enemy penetrates in the own state area and internally threatens the Nation . The latter is not difficult because of the cultural nature of the Enemy , that is , coming from the Cultural Pact : the " External Enemy " is also the " Enemy Within " because the Enemy is One , its The One and its representatives , that is , the Enemy lacks nationality or , rather , is " international "; the Enemy does not know the principle of the enclosure and does not respect borders of any kind since all the world is for him his campus belli : and in that universal war field , where he tries to impose his will , nations and peoples are included , cities and cloisters , the Cultures that give meaning to man , and the fertile field of his Soul . It is understood , then , that the principle of the Enclosure is a concept broader than what is suggested at first glance and that only its exact definition and application allow to discover the Enemy .