The Mistery of Belicena Villca than the reigning House of the Capetians . The King of England was theoretically a vassal of the King of France , but on more than one occasion his territorial domain made him a dangerous rival ; that was clearly seen during the reign of Henry II Plantagenet , who , in addition to being King of England , was also sovereign of great part of France : Normandy , Maine , Anjou , Touraine , Aquitaine , Auvergne , Annis , Saintonge , Angoumois , Marche and Perigord . Only when John Lackland made the mistakes that are well known , King Philip Augustus recovered for his House the Normandy , Anjou , Maine , Touraine and Poitou . However , Louis IX , Crusade companion of Edward I , would return to this English King the French fiefdoms .
Since the dismemberment of the Empire of Charlemagne , and until Philip III , thus , there was nothing like the national conscience in the Kings of France but an ambition for territorial dominion that aimed to support feudal power : the nobility was then purely cultural , it was based on the titles of the property and not in the blood as would correspond to a true Aristocracy of the Spirit . Thus , the territorial expansions of the predecessors of Philip IV had no other objective than to obtain power and prestige in the feudal society : in no way would these possessions have led to the political unity of France , to the absolute monarchy , to the centralized and rational administration , and to the national conscience . Such results were the exclusive work of the Strategy of Philip IV .
But a " Hyperborean Strategy " is not a mere set of measures but the dynamic structure of a finally effective action . The Strategy of Philip IV , was based on the following concept of the Hyperborean Wisdom : if a people organizes according to the Blood Pact , then the Royal Function demands the strategic way of life . That is to say , the King of the Blood Pact must lead his people by applying the strategic principles of the Occupation , of the Enclosure , and of the Strategic Wall ; complemented with the principle of Magical Cultivation , that is , with the white Atlantean heritage of Agriculture and Livestock . To this concept , which I already spoke about on the Third Day , reference should be made to understand structurally the change in French politics after the advent of Philip the Fair .
In practical terms , the Strategy that Philip IV proposed to implement consisted in the execution of the three principles mentioned by means of three corresponding political facts . I will now explain , in order , how Philip IV understood such principles , linked to the Royal Function , and then I will show how his political acts faithfully responded to the Hyperborean strategy of the Domini Canis .
First : Occupation of the real space . This principle admits various degrees of understanding ; Obviously , in the case of the Royal Function , the occupation has to include essentially the territory of the Kingdom . But who should occupy the Kingdom lands ? The King of the Blood and the ruling House , on behalf of the racial community , that is , of the Spirit , that this is a people of the Blood Pact . Because the King is , as it was said , “ the Voice of the people ”, “ its individualized Will ”; the King must occupy the territory of the Kingdom for the popular sovereignty to take place . The feudal patrimonial system , product of the Cultural Pact , attempted against the Royal Function as it kept the King separated from the people : the medieval people , in effect , owed direct obedience to the Territorial Lords , and these to the King ; and the King could only address the people through the feudal Lords . That is why Philip IV would sanction a law that obliged all the people of France , to swear allegiance directly to the King , without intermediaries of any class : “ nothing material can come between the King of the Blood and the People ". In short , the Occupation of the Kingdom , by the King , " is " the Sovereignty .
Second : apply the principle of the Enclosure in the occupied real space . In the most superficial degree of the meaning , it also refers to the territorial area : the own area must be strategically isolated from enemy domain by means of the principle of the Enclosure ; this supposes , in any case , the definition of a state border . But this second strategic step is the one that gives reality to the concept of " Nation ": according to the Blood Pact , a people , of common Origin ,