The Mistery of Belicena Villca dynasty , in effect , began in 987 with the first King of France , Hugh Capet , son of Hugh the Great and grandson of the Count of Paris and Duke of France , Robert ; this was , in turn , son of Robert the Strong , member of the Saxon royal house , invested by Charles the Bald , grandson of Charlemagne , with the title of Count of Anjou , so that he stopped with his German troops the Norman attacks . In Philip IV it was reborn in this way , as it had happened with Frederick II , a fruit that came from the same Saxon racial root and that had hiddenly developed in the fertile field of the Pure Blood .
It will be seen how both objectives are achieved together ; as the Royal Function , assumed entirely by Philip IV , places in society the seed of nationality ; and how the measures taken in his government , measures based on the Hyperborean Wisdom , were to cause the failure of the White Fraternity plans . Unfortunately , Philip IV would not get to see fully accomplished his wishes for the same reason as Frederick II : the Age was not favourable for the integral application of a Strategy that could only culminate with the Final Battle against the Powers of Matter ; such an Epoch is still pending in History and perhaps we are already entering it ; but Philip IV came close enough , the most he could , to its objective ; and in that undeniable fact lies his Glory .
First of all the Domini Canis instructors revealed to the infant in what consisted the Royal Function of the Blood Pact , a concept that Frederick II , seventy years earlier , had clearly understood : If there is a racial people , a community of blood , always , always , will conform in its bosom an Aristocracy of the Spirit , from which the Sovereign King will emerge : the King will be the one who holds the highest degree of the Aristocracy , the Purest Blood ; whoever possesses such value will be charismatically recognized by the people and will rule by Divine Right of the Spirit . His Sovereignty cannot be questioned or disputed and therefore his Power must be Absolute . Nothing is Higher than the Spirit and the King of the Blood expresses the Spirit ; And in the Pure Blood of the people underlies the Spirit ; and that ' s why the King of the Pure Blood , which expresses the Spirit , is also the Voice of the People , their individualized Will to tend towards the Spirit . So nothing material can come between the King of the Blood and the People : on the contrary , the Pure Blood unites them charismatically , in a contact that occurs outside of Time and Space , in that absolute instance beyond the created matter which is called The common Origin of the Race of the Spirit . And hence that everything that is materially conformed in relation to the people should be subordinate to the King of the Blood : all wills must join or bow down to his Will ; all powers must be subordinate before his Power . Even the religious power , which only reaches the limits of the Cult , must bow under the Will of the Spirit that the King of the Blood manifests .
Secondly , Philip IV is explained the fall that the peoples of the Blood Pact suffer because of the " war fatigue " and the ways employed by the Priests of the Cultural Pact to distort , deform , and corrupt , the Royal function . In the case of the Roman Empire , the above concepts , inherited from the Etruscans , were contemplated in ancient Roman Law and in many respects would remain present until the Age of the Christian Emperors . Specifically , it would be Constantine who would open the door to the staunch supporters of the Cultural Pact , when he authorizes with the Edict of Milan the practice of the Judeo- Christian Cult ; but the biggest damage to the Royal Function would be caused by Theodosius I seventy years later , when he formalized Judeo-Christianity as the only state religion . Then would begin the long but fruitful process in which Roman Law would become Canon Law ; that is to say , that of Roman Law that was convenient to substantiate the supremacy of the papacy would be preserved in Canon Law , and the rest wisely expurgated or ignored . This process would provide the legal justification to Cesaropapism , the papal claim to impose a religious absolutism over the Kings of the Blood , whose most fervent exponents were Gregory VII , Innocent III , and Boniface VIII .
Before the decline of the Empire , the Roman Kings and Emperors attributed themselves Divine origin and this was also stated in Roman Law . The task of the Catholic canonists was , if you will , quite simple : it consisted in replacing