The Mistery of Belicena Villca Canis , would mark the beginning of the end of the Enemy strategy : from then on , after Philip IV brilliantly performed his mission , the Golen and the White Brotherhood would have to wait until the 20th century before having another historic opportunity to establish the World Government and the Synarchy of the Chosen People .
As I said , the Golen would not be able to counter the consequences of the new situation . They had maneuvered for several years to strengthen in Europe the House of France and from its bosom emerged a King hostile to papal hegemony . They had ceded the field of academic teaching to the Dominican monks and it would turn out that the enemies of the One God were infiltrated among them . Even worse , that Order of Preachers had been entrusted with the Court of the Holy Office , in charge of inquiring about the faith . Until then , the Inquisition allowed to eliminate or neutralize oppositions under the threat of the accusation of heresy , but , and this they clearly assumed , the greatest heretics were they : from now on , they should exercise caution because otherwise , like jiu jitsu , the attacker ' s own strength could be turned against him .
Unable to subject him to papal authority , the Golen would unsuccessfully attempt to eliminate Philip IV , failure that was due to the security enclosure that the Domini Canis set up around the King ; when they finally achieved to poison him , in 1314 , Philip IV had reigned twenty-nine years and fulfilled with Honor the entrusted mission : and before the greatness of his work , nothing counts the slander of a defeated Golen Church and a Chosen People who saw the loss of their historic opportunity , even if they have been repeated without foundation over seven hundred years .
But , during the twenty-nine years of his reign , they would not have some equivalent political personality to replace or oppose him . The King of England , Edward I , although he intervenes in European affairs , only does it indirectly in the time of Philip the Fair , especially through his allies , the Count of Flanders and the Duke of Guyenne : his fierce war against the Scots keeps him busy on the British island . And in Germany , the Guelph Rudolph of Habsburg , elected in 1273 to end the Interregnum , dies in 1291 dedicated to war against the Ghibellines and to increase the assets of his House ; he is succeeded by Adolph of Nassau , who reigns only six years locked in fight with Rudolph ' s sons ; and then Albert I follows , which would get along peacefully with Philip IV and would agree with him that the course of the Rhine would be the border between France and Germany . Nothing could the Golen do with these sovereigns to face a personality like Philip the Fair ; and we already know what they could expect from the Kings of Aragón and Sicily . What I want to show you with this , Dr . Siegnagel , is that by losing control over the King of France , the Golen Strategy was seriously compromised .
For fifty years the Circulus Domini Canis awaited its opportunity . This arose with Philip IV , on whom they exercised great influence since his childhood , given the high number of infant instructors that were among its ranks . When Philip III died , his son was seventeen years old and had been secretly initiated into the Hyperborean Wisdom . It is therefore possible to affirm that when he began to reign , he already had a clear project about his historical mission ; and also had by his side the men who would advise him and who would allow his ideas to be executed . Because it is convenient to clearly differentiate between two complementary objectives , that are set as a goal at that moment : one is proposed by the Circulus Domini Canis , and already explained , which sought , simply to stop the enemy Strategy and prevent the Golen from achieving the Synarchy of the Chosen People ; another is an objective then , that sprang from the Pure Blood of Philip IV , and that consisted , as in the case of Frederick II , in expressing in its highest degree the Royal Function . Regarding the second , let ' s not forget that in the entire Capetian lineage , as in all the Hyperborean lineages , there was a family mission shaped by their remote ancestors in times of the fall in the Cultural Pact ; and the Lineage of Philip IV was of very Pure Blood , although its last generations had been dominated by the Priests of the Cultural Pact , that is , by the monks and Golen bishops : that