THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 174

The Mistery of Belicena Villca to invade Aragón . The gigantic warrior enterprise will now be financed by the entire Church of France . And , as in the time of the Cathars , Martin IV publishes a Crusade against the excommunicated King of Aragón : the Benedictine , Cluniac , Cistercian and Templar , agitate the whole of Europe calling to fight for Christ , to be crusaders against the abominable Ghibelline heresy of Pedro III . Soon Philip III , who is also King of Navarre , gathers in that country an army made up of two hundred and fifty thousand infantrymen and fifty thousand horsemen , formed mainly by French , Picards , Toulousian , Lombards , Bretons , Flemish , Burgundians , Provençal , German , English , etc .
With the help of four Toulousian monks who reveal to Philip III a secret passage through the Pyrenees , the Crusaders invaded Catalonia in 1285 . Surrounding the King , and permanently encouraging him , go the main Cistersian Golen , who consider that war a matter of life and death for their plans of world domination : hardly that King , who in no way deserved the nickname " the Bold ", would have launched the adventure of the crusade without the sustained insistence of Martin IV and the pressure of the French Golen . The Papal legate warns Pedro III “ that he must obey the Pontiff and deliver his Kingdoms to the King of France ", to which the Aragonese responds : " it is easy to take and give Kingdoms that have cost nothing . Mine , bought with the blood of my grandparents , must be paid at the same price ”. In Catalonia the resistance becomes fierce ; all social classes support Pedro III in what is sensed as a Total War . The Aragonese Knights , the infallible Catalan crossbowmen , the fierce Almogavar warriors , the servants and people ' s combatants , stop , harass and inflict permanent defeats on the Crusaders . In the end , an epidemic ends up demoralizing them and they choose to retire to the Pyrenees . But at the Collado de Paniza is waiting for them Pedro III , who has advanced to cut them off , and for two days the great battle takes place . The French army is annihilated : of the three hundred thousand Crusaders only forty thousand return alive ; King Philip III dies in the campaign and now to France the conquest of Aragón will be impossible . It is in these circumstances that Philip IV the Fair , accedes to the throne of France .
Thirty-Fifth Day
On January 7 , 1285 , Charles de Anjou died , sick and desperate . In March 1285 , Golen Pope Martín IV died . Philip III , King of France , died on October 5 , 1285 . And at the end of that fateful year , on November 11 , 1285 , Pedro III of Aragon died , the King who managed to defeat the joint force of the three preceding and largely frustrate the plans of the White Fraternity . Upon his death , his kingdoms are divided among his children , girding Alfonso the triple Crown of Aragón , Catalonia and Valencia , and Jaime that of Sicily , succeeded by Fadrique I . But John of Procida , and the Lords of the Dog , continue advising the Kings of Aragón .
Thus , with the death of Philip III , the Golen assume that their plans are momentarily delayed . But just momentarily delayed or their plans are definitely frustrated , without them getting to notice it in time ? As will be seen right away , the Golen will realize , just too late , that something very strange has happened to Philip ' s III successor . Indeed , that King , whose education was entrusted to the most learned monks from France , that is , to the Dominicans , had become an Hyperborean Initiate , a potential enemy of the White Fraternity ' s plans . How did such a heresy occur ? Who initiated him in the Hyperborean Wisdom ? The answer , the only possible answer , would be the incredible possibility that , within the Church , in the Order of Preachers , there was a conspiracy of supporters of the Blood Pact , a group of Initiates in the Wisdom of the white Atlanteans . They do not , of course , suspect the Lords of Tharsis , who they consider definitively extinct , and fail to discover the culprits of the disaster in a timely manner : the blow will be too shocking to assimilate quickly enough . And that inevitable perplexity , that paralyzing surprise caused by the High Strategy of the Lords of Tharsis and the Circulus Domini