THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 173

The Mistery of Belicena Villca vassal of the Pope . To the indifference of the Aragonese he repeats the excommunication in January and March of 1283 , preparing the hand to stab him in the back : in the last bull , in effect , he affirms that the Kingdom of Aragón is a vassal of the Pope by commitment of Pedro II , the grandfather of Pedro III killed in the battle of Muret , and that the Pontiff has the power to appoint as King whoever he deems best ; he therefore removes the Crown from the excommunicated Aragonese and deprives the peoples and places who obey him of the sacraments of the Church . The Golen plan was to fight to the death against Pedro III and enlarge the Dominion of France at the expense of Aragón : it would be the previous step for a King of the Church to be elevated to the throne of a World Government , supported by the Financial Templar Synarchy , and prepare the means to establish the Universal Synarchy .
In this plan , evidently , the Golen underestimate Pedro III . Truly , all are wrong with the Aragonese because they ignore the spiritual force that he has developed under the influence of John of Procida and the Domini Canis . But he soon shows signs of having a foolproof courage ; boundless intrepidness ; an unwavering loyalty to the principles of the Hyperborean Wisdom , this is , to the inheritance of the Pure Blood of his Lineage , that grants him the divine right to reign without asking for an account from anyone else but Himself ; and a monolithic sense of Honor , which is dictated by his Spirit , and which drives him to fight until the death for his ideal , without ever giving up . Formidable enemy is the one the Golen have challenged this time .
The stab in the back meant compromising the Kingdom of Aragón in a war with France , which Pedro III was just trying to avoid . The Golen believe that the presence of Pedro III in Aragón will leave the stronghold of Sicily free to Charles de Anjou to consummate a new occupation . But the island , protected by the Catalan armada , has become an impregnable Fortress : Pedro III calmly retired to Aragón in 1283 leaving the defense in the hands of the reckless and fortunate Admiral Roger de Lauria . Charles de Anjou owns the second major fleet in the Mediterranean , financed by the Cistercian Order of Provence , by the Kingdom of Naples , and by the Pope , but he fails to raise a coherent tactic to confront Roger de Lauria , who in successive shocks will destroy it inexorably . After sinking some ships and capturing others , he seizes the islands of Malta , Gozo and Lipari ; then he goes to Naples and lays a trap to the French showing only part of his fleet . Charles de Anjou is absent and his son , Charles the Lame , Prince of Salerno , decides to respond to the challenge thinking of an easy victory : he throws himself then in pursuit of the Catalans with all the galleys available , colliding soon with the rest of the enemy armada . That was the most important naval battle of the Time , in which Roger de Lauria sunk a large number of French galleys , captured as many , and only very few managed to escape . This fate the flagship did not have , which was captured by Roger in person and in which were Charles the Lame , Jacob de Bruson , Guglielmo Stendaro , and other brave Provençal and Italian Knights . The son of Charles de Anjou is taken prisoner to Sicily , where all demand his execution in revenge for the death of Conradino ; Yet , Oh mystery of the Hyperborean spiritual nobility ! It is Queen Constanza who saves him and commands to be confined in Barcelona .
Days after the defeat of his son , Charles de Anjou arrives in Gaeta but he does not dare to attack the Spanish ; that indecision is exploited by Roger to devastate the Calabrian garrison and seize several continental squares ; in short time Sicily has a Governor in Calabria who threatens , now by land , the French domain of Naples . But when Charles decides to send the rest of his army to the shores of Provence , to support the advance of the King of France , his ships are taken between two fires off Saint Pol and defeated completely by Roger de Lauria : that disaster , which cost seven thousand French lives , represented the end of the Neapolitan naval power of Charles de Anjou .
Meanwhile , Martin IV delivers in 1284 the blow that , he thinks , would be fatal for the Aragonese : by means of a Bull he offers the investiture of Aragón , Catalonia and Valencia to the King of France for one of his sons , not his firstborn . Philip III accepts in the name of his son Charles de Valois and prepares