THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 172

The Mistery of Belicena Villca 1278 Pedro III felt strong enough to carry out his Sicilian project . He then sends John of Procida on a secret mission to Italy and the Middle East .
The Sicilian Knight travels wearing the Dominican habit . He interviews with the main representatives of the Ghibelline party of Italy and Sicily , who promise to help the King of Aragon , and in 1279 he arrives in Constantinople to agree with Emperor Michael Palaiologos , who is about to be attacked with a fleet by Charles de Anjou . However , the fact that Charles de Anjou does not suspect , is it doesn ' t exist in the world at that time a fleet more powerful than the Catalan navy of the King of Aragón . The Byzantine contributes thirty thousand ounces of gold to sustain the campaign and John undertakes the return , after passing through the island of Sicily ; there he collects the commitment of the Noble Alecimo di Leutini , and others , to prepare an uprising against the French ; all these steps are due to the Strategy of Pedro III , who wants to avoid a direct confrontation between France and Aragón and prefers that , instead , it arises from a local plot against Charles de Anjou .
In 1281 everything is ready for the revolt when a maneuver of the Golen compels to suspend movements . Charles de Anjou forces in Viterbo the election of Simon de Brieu , a French Cardinal highly enlightened on the plans of the White Fraternity , who professes a fierce hatred towards the House of Swabia and the Ghibelline Cause . He takes the name of Martin IV and immediately unleashes a terrible persecution of Ghibellines throughout Italy : evidently the Golen suspect there ' s a plot against Charles and they try to stop it . Martin IV is a typical exponent of the Golen mentality , which was then improperly called " Guelph ": of the fanatical paste of Gregory VII and Innocent III , he also possesses the cruelty of an Arnauld Amalric ; at his request , the killings , rapes and looting continue without ceasing , subjecting the Sicilians to an unbearable regime of terror : in the end Rome itself will end up rebelling against him . But in 1282 this state of affairs came to an end in Sicily . During the celebration of Easter , March 30th , a French soldier tries to abuse a young Sicilian woman in Palermo and , to the cry of " death to the French ", the general insurrection breaks out : the French are exterminated in Palermo , Trapani , Corleone , Siracusa and Agrigento ; in one day eight thousand die and the rest must flee hastily off the island . Within a month , no living French could be found in all of Sicily .
Those popular reactions were the famous " Sicilian Vespers ", that did not happen at random since in those days Pedro III had sailed from Barcelona with his powerful army and was in Africa , a short distance from Sicily . His projects , long elaborated , were carried out with great precision ; in June he spots several Sicilian ships : they are ambassadors from Palermo who come to offer the Crown of Sicily to the King of Aragón and the Queen Constanza . Shortly afterwards he disembarks on the island amid the general jubilation of the people , who saw themselves , with that act of sovereignty , free forever from the French and Guelph domination . It was not , then , an invasion but a legitimate royal choice : the Sicilian people , freed by their own means from the French occupation gave itself its own kings , thus restoring the rights of the House of Swabia in the person of the granddaughter of Frederick II . But the Golen don ' t swallow the bait .
Notice , Dr . Siegnagel , that again the Golen seemed to have won the round : the Cathar heretics no longer existed , nor was it felt the presence of the Gral , nor was there a so-called Universal Emperor like Frederick II who disputed the Pope the Spiritual Power , there was not even a King in Germany , and there was a King in France , Philip III , completely controlled by the Church , and a Financial Templar Synarchy in full swing , and a French King , Charles de Anjou , occupying the two Sicilies and keeping the Luciferic Ghibellines at bay . But suddenly the Coup of Pedro III , which they could not foresee because it was a product of the High Strategy of the Domini Canis , was reviving the danger of Ghibellinism and threatened the plans of the White Brotherhood with failure . The Golen were not going to allow it with impunity . In November of that year Martin IV fulminates the excommunication against Pedro III and orders him to withdraw from Sicily and to love Charles de Anjou , faithful