THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 162

The Mistery of Belicena Villca all those who believe in the Virgin of Agartha and desire the Seed of Stone ! Be tough , Priests , because the Enemy deserves it !
Raise altars instead for sweet Mother Binah ! Put in your hand the magnificent Pomegranate of Love of YHVH ! Let everyone know her Essential Sacrifice , to be the depositary of the Mud Seeds blessed by YHVH ! Build places for her Cult and invoke the Images of her , generate in the people a memory of Her and , of course , award the greatest dispensations to all those who believe in the Virgen de los Milagros , or of La Rábida , or of the Ciñuela , or de la Cinta , or the Barco , or the Niño de Barro , or the Fuego Caliente ! Be effective , Priests , because YHVH ' s Plans require it !
In summary , you will start by replacing the statue of Bishop Macarius with the new sculpture of Nuestra Señora de los Milagros , to be carved by the monk according to the vision of the Sefer Icheh . You will install that sculpture in the Convent of Our Lady of La Rábida , but you will immediately devote yourself to the task of promoting the nearby construction of a great sanctuary dedicated to the Virgen de la Cinta : it must house a Brotherhood of sailors and Ship owners , who will request her protection and will congregate around her Cult . The ideal site will be a hill near the sea , from where you can see the Estuary of the Odiel , the City of Huelva , Palos , La Rábida and Moguer . And the image that will be worshiped there , will be very similar to the one the sculptor monk has seen , but endowed with greater sacred attributes : Great Mother Binah will display in her left hand the Ciñuela , that is , the acid Pomegranate of the Warm Life , split in the shape of a vulva and showing through its opening the grains of the Mud Seeds ; with her right hand she will hold the Messiah , who will appear fully naked except for his feet , which he will have covered with boots to hide the limping of Dionysus . The Divine Child ' s left hand will be directed toward the Pomegranate , while with the right he will hold the sefirotic ribbon , the string with the ten measures of the Universe , the symbol of overseas navigators . But in the dress of the Mother of God , well visible and contrasted , must be the Hebrew Letters of the Name of Quiblon , S . A . M ., that is , Samekh , Aleph , and Mem . Last , on the image of the Virgen de la Cinta , you will portray two of the Seraphim Nephilim , holding in their hands the Celtic Symbol of the Kâlachakra Key .
You will also make other images and sculptures inspired by the recent descriptions . But keep in mind that , in any case , the Messiah Child must be stripped of the sacrilegious book that the Stone Child of the Virgin of Agartha holds , the Book of the Hyperborean Wisdom : instead , you will put a sphaera orbis terrae , as a symbol of the Universal Power that the King Messiah will achieve in the Kingdom of Israel Shekhinah . Similar to this , then , will be the images and sculptures that you will distribute in all the places that were necessary .
And now , attention , Priests ! we will prophesy to You for the last time . Hear this Message , which will be fulfilled in any time and place because it is YHVH ' s Word :
YHVH Sebaoth says : Days of Glory will come for the Chosen People . I will descend , Shekhinah , upon him and Reign , in the midst of the Holocaust of Fire in which the impious will be consumed . And in those days , when the Glory , and the Victory , of Israel are near , I will send an unequivocal signal that the hour has come : That Sign will be the fall of Granada , the Mansion of the Jews . In truth , it will always be Granada that marks this time . Granada , which will then be possessed by a decaying Kingdom , will be conquered by a nascent Empire . The Triple Holocaust of Gentile Peoples will be offered later ; and then I ' ll come down ; and the glory will begin and the victory of Israel . Quiblon , whose Voice closes the Gate of Hell and opens the Gate of Heaven , will offer me the Triple Holocaust and he will Announce me , and thus Announce The Hour of Israel .
– Rejoice , Priests of YHVH Sebaoth , that today the Lineage of Tharsis has been exterminated and We will announce the next Shekhinah ! Comply , carry out firmly and exactly our orders , and soon will come Quiblon to receive the Word