THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 161

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– Look at the Sefer Icheh ! – ordered Bera , to whom this part of History produced a strange mix of Hate and Terror-- . Here Navutan self-crucified , -- he was pointing to the branches that went from the trunk to the Chesed and Din Pomegranates . The Ace was attached to the Right Arm and the Left Arm of the Holy Elder , under his Great Face and unaware that the Stone of Fire , Aben Esch , hung over his head . Nine nights he agonized on the Cross of Rimmon until Frya , a Female Demon as terrible as Ama , came out of his eye and found out the Secret of Death . But , in order to reveal it to Navutan , who had just died , she had to eat a grain from the Chokhmah pomegranate and transform into partridge : then she danced for Navutan the lame dance that allows us to exit the Illusion Labyrinth of Death ; however , that food chained her to Illusion , as Persephone , and she could no longer return to the Origin from which she had come to save her Husband . Thus , Frya , a new Enemy of Creation , stayed with Vides , the Lord of Agartha , the lair of the Uncreated Demons , and next to Navutan her Spouse , to carry out the Essential War against The One . Navutan , on his part , was resurrected and revealed to the members of his Race the Secret of Death through the Mystery of the Labyrinth , in the course of which the Initiates receive in their heart the Stone Seed of the Virgin of Agartha and they can become Men of Stone . Disciples of Navutan were the white Atlanteans , who sowed the World of unholy Stones , those who opened the gates of the Celestial Mansions to take by storm .
Therefore , do not forget , Priests , the conditions of the Cultural Pact ! The Men of Stone are our most terrible Enemies because they have proposed to prevent the realization of the Plans that YHVH has arranged for Humanity : but so are the Stones of the Stone Men . Don ' t forget that their Cursed Stones must be destroyed because they could have Seeds of Stone , germs of inconceivable beings that could bear fruit and be born at certain moments in history . Do not forget that the Cold Stone is always outside of Time , beyond the Beginning of Created Beings , invisible to Our Souls but ready to manifest its essential hostility when the opportunity , that is , the kairos , allows it : we ignore , then , if from this or from that Menhir a Man of Stone should emerge , but in any case we must destroy it . Do not forget that we wage the Essential War against the Enemy of the Creation , that ours is the war between the Bleach and the Cold Stone , between the Warm Fire and the Cold Fire , between the Created and the Uncreated , between the Being and the Naught .
Birsha took up the word to refer exclusively to the mission that the Immortals left the Priests . The meeting was coming to an end and it would be many years before They would return : perhaps , then , as before , as always , there would be other Priests to receive them . They shouldn ' t , then , lose any of the words They said , since no one could repeat them later . And the error , in the Order of Melchizedek , was paid dearly .
– You already know , in part , your mission , --Birsha conceded . You will dedicate with all your powers and influences to purify this region of Huelva . The House of Tharsis has been destroyed and , although we have not recovered the Stone of Venus it will not be used against us either . That was one of the last Stones of Lucifer , which allowed the Hyperborean Initiates to orient themselves in the Labyrinth of the Illusion of Life ; without them at hand , the Guardian of the Labyrinth , YHVH Adonai , can be undisturbed : only the Priests of Israel know the lame dance that marks the exit . Priests : the Enemy is almost defeated ! The Synarchy of the Chosen People will soon be a reality , soon the Shekhinah will descend , the King Messiah will soon reign ! The Holocaust of Fire is already in sight ! Quiblon will come to Rus Baal to seek the Great Mother Binah and display his Name S . A . M ., Shekhinah , Avir , Metatron ; and She will lovingly plant in his heart the Mud Seed of Pardes Rimmonim , the Germ of Metatron that will be at the End , Stone of Fire , Perfect Soul of the Chosen People !
Ruthlessly tear down the Altars of the Imposter ! Get off her hand the abominable Spike of Hate ! May no one remember her Essential Sacrilege , her Stone Seeds condemned by YHVH ! Destroy their places of Cult and their Images , kill even her memory and , of course , burn to ashes , and make bleach with it ,