THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 160

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of Love , transforming him into a Man of Stone . That is why We , the Perfect Priests , must propitiate the Fire Holocaust , to wash with bleach at the End the Abominable Sign on the – Stone – which – is – planted-in-the-Soul-of-the-Man-of- Mud . --Birsha concluded .
Thirty-Second Day Immediately , Bera added the following :
– For millennia , on the sunken Continent of Atlantis , that the Gentiles should never know that it existed , the Priests of The One fought against the hostile effect that the Cold Stone had on the Soul of the men of mud . It was sought , by various means , that the Uncreated Spirit , chained to the Soul by the Cold Stone , forget its Origin , beyond the Ein Sof . And the results were encouraging because , finally , the blood of the men of mud had degraded in such a way that the Uncreated Spirit was unable to orient himself towards the Cold Stone that would reveal his Divine Origin . There was then a Cultural Golden Age , in which another Chosen People , like Israel , had established the Universal Synarchy and was preparing for the Kingdom of the Shekhinah . It was at that time that some Men of Stone , who escaped to the extermination to which the Priests and the Seraphim Nephilim subjected them , managed to attract other Seraphim , called " Hyperboreans ", to their aid , who entered the Created Universe through the sphere of Venus . The most terrible of those Seraphim was the one known as Lucifer , Phosphorus , or Hesperus , since , facing all the Celestial Legions of YHVH Sebaoth , He fell to Earth to bequeath his own Crown to the Spirit , chained in the mud men . He left here , then , the Damned Gem of the Gral , which has the Power to prevent the Spirit from forgetting its Origin . This done , He returned the way He had come , but leaving behind the fertilized germs of the Luciferic Lineages that we still fight against , in all similar to the House of Tharsis that we just exterminated .
And it would be those Lineages condemned by YHVH , especially those arisen from the White Race , those who would no longer forget the Origin , those who would germinate the Seed of Stone in all men of mud , which would unleash the rebellion against the Law of YHVH and the hatred of Creation . And that is how the battle of Atlantis inevitably came about , which ended with a planetary catastrophe . However , the greatest Evil had not yet occurred : it came because of Lucifer and that Woman , The Intruder Ama , who was able to enter in the sphere of Venus and obtain the Secret of the Stone Seeds . Yes Priests : the Seraph Lucifer gave the Intruder the Spike of the Stone Seed , which until then only the Seraphim Nephilim possessed . And upon her return the Greater Evil fell upon the mud men , for The Intruder chose the braver and began to plant in their hearts the Stone Seed that extinguishes the Warm Fire of Animal Passion , the Love of the Great Mother Binah : each Stone Seed would be a Wise Warrior , a Man of Stone situated outside the Law of YHVH , instead of the man identical to Metatron destined to be at the End of Time . With her unspeakable act , The Intruder , The Virgin of Agartha , deeply offended the Great Mother Binah , whom she snatched the Love of numerous Sons : that is why this land of Huelva must be purified , which for so many centuries has been dedicated to its Impious Cult . Only thus will the Shekhinah descend on Rus Baal .
She , Priests , is Our Most Powerful Enemy , her Evil is above all evils ; her Hostility towards Creation , surpasses that of any Man of Stone ; her courage to face The One surpasses that of the Bravest Wise Warrior : in front of Her , and her Infinite Mystery , everyone trembles in Horror ; and after Terror and Death , only the Uncreated Spirits survive , which are of the same Hyperborean essence . She returned from Venus , bearing the Spike of the Stone Seeds and carrying the Demon of the War , Navutan , her Uncreated Son . It was all a conspiracy of the Seraph Lucifer : He wanted Ama to have a Son of Stone , a Son who would be in charge of the White Race and found a Mystery for its members ; and that the Initiates in that Mystery acquired Immortality and received in their Heart the Seed of Stone of the Virgin of Agartha .