THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 159

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Created Stones , the Cold Stone rejected the Order of Creation , rebelled against the Will of The One and declared itself an Enemy of the Creation . Those who had introduced the Uncreated Sign into the World , planted the Cold Stone in the Soul of Man as a Stone Seed , so that it might grow , mature and fructify , so that the force of its development would raise the Soul quickly to Final Perfection . But that Seed , as we said , would produce an extremely hostile Fruit towards the One God and His Creation : a Fruit that would only accept to exist outside of Time , before the Beginning , a Fruit that only would long to leave the world of Created Beings and lose itself in the original nothingness ; a Fruit that could not be foreseen by the Soul because its Seed would remain invisible from the Beginning ; a Fruit that they would call " the Self ". And the cause for that Fruit would not be the Cold Stone , nor the Stone Seed , but those inhabitants of the Abyss whom you know as Hyperborean Spirits . They are our true enemies , but fortunately they can only manifest in the Soul of man through the Cold Stone ; you will understand that that which chains them to the Soul of man , without them noticing it , is the Cold Stone in the Beginning . However , if the Warm Stone was extracted from the Warm Fire , the Cold Fire , on the contrary , has sprouted from the Cold Stone : for that Uncreated Fire the Cursed Lineage of Tharsis , which we have just exterminated , escaped our control for centuries and infected the world with Men of Stone that tried to destroy the bases of the Cult .
Apparently , the Seraphim Nephilim did not count on the fact that the Cold Fire would spring from the Cold Stone and reveal to Luciferic men what They call " Infinite Blackness of Himself "; that ' s why it is necessary , since such odious Mystery was possible , to prevent in the Future the Stone Seed from maturing and bearing fruit , may the Stone Child be born who will receive the revelation of the Cold Fire and extinguish the Warm Fire of the Heart ; it is necessary to wash the Cold Stone with Bleach to recover the Warm Fire , the Fire that should never abandon the Heart of man . Truly , Priests , although They blame The One , and his earthly representatives , of the misfortune that afflicts them , its the Hyperborean Seraphim , those who dwell in the heart of YHVH , Tiferet , who preserve the spiritual enchainment ; it is true that they worked with the consent of The One and no one knows when or why He created them , or why He also granted them the Power to extract beings from the nothingness . Unless its given credit to what They themselves affirm : that they are not Beings Created by The One but come , like Ehyeh , from an existing World Beyond the Ein Sof ; and that their spiritual nature is equal to that of The One . But believing them would be comitting the greatest heresy against the Chokhmah of the Master of Everything , because , didn ' t The One Himself declare His Absolute and Exclusive Unity ?: " Who can you compare me to who resembles me ?" Says the Holy Elder . Raise your eyes on high and see : Who created all that ?" [ Isaiah , 40,25 ]. “ Thus says YHVH , King of Israel , his Redeemer , YHVH Sebaoth : I am the First and the last , and outside of me there is no God . You are my Witnesses . Is there any God outside of me ? There is no other Stone ; I do not know it ” [ Isaiah , 44,6 ]. “ You are my witnesses , says YHVH , for you are the People Chosen by Me so that you know and understand that I Am , Ehyeh . Before Me no God existed , and after Me there won ' t be . I , I am YHVH , and besides me there is no Savior . I have always been God and also from today I am the same , and there is no one who escapes my hand : I will do what I want and who will change it ?" [ Isaiah , 43.10 ]. Yes , Priests ; we should not doubt The One . But also do not forget that the Hyperborean Seraphim founded the White Fraternity to which we all belong and in whose Hierarchy we have reached the Highest Priesthood .
In short , according to the plans of the Seraphim Nephilim , while the Seed of Stone would develop , the Soul of the mud man would evolve undoubtedly accelerated in the direction of the Final Perfection . But reality contradicted these plans : that Germ of Evil , when Fruiting , far from making the Soul rise towards the Final Perfection , would plunge it into the Terror of Nameless Abysses , in the Eternity of an Infinite Blackness . At last , the Stone Seed would end up dominating the Soul of the clay man and turning him into a Enemy of the Creator and Creation , hardening his Heart and making him a devoid