THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 158

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Gentile people have been never a true Kingdom , although it may have seemed , nor has there been a true King , out of the Chosen People : hence the Name Melchizedek , of the Supreme Priest of our Order , actually means “ He who dethrons the Kings ” and not “ The King of Zedek ” as we have led the Gentiles to believe . Melchizedek , and those of us who belong to his Order , are to destroy all false Kingdom and every false King before the true one reproduces on Earth YHVH ' s Kingdom , Malkuth , with the World Government of the Chosen People .
However , Priests , the Plan of God has been derailed and it will now be necessary to sacrifice the clay men in a Fire Holocaust , at the End of Time , just when the Temple is raised and the Kingdom is carried out in the Shekhinah of Israel : as we assure you , the Stone of Fire must be washed with bleach to erase its Abominable Sign . The Stone of Fire , which was a Pure Archetype at the Beginning of Time , multiplied , without losing its uniqueness in The One that characterizes all Sefirot : and each Stone of Fire , identical to that of the Beginning , was a Soul that would reach perfection in the End , being like all the others One with The One ; the man of clay would thus become Stone of Fire , similar to Metatron : for this he should only fulfill the Law and move in Time towards the End , where Perfection was . but here we have that They , the Seraphim Nephilim , creators of the White Brotherhood , engraved the Abominable Sign in the Stone of Fire upon which each Soul of the mud men settles . And the Abominable Sign cooled the Stone of Fire , Aben Esch , and removed it from the End . Then , Priests , the Stone that must be washed with bleach at the end , is the Cold Stone that should not be where it is , because it was not put in the Beginning by the One Creator .
Cursed Stone , Scandal Stone , Stone Seed : They Planted It after the Beginning in the Soul of the clay man and it is now in the Beginning . Time is the constant flow of the Conscience of The One : between the Beginning and the End of Time is Creation ; and at the End of Time is the Perfection of the Soul as a Stone of Fire . It is the Will of YHVH that the Soul attain Final Perfection according to Metatron ' s model . But now the Soul cannot see the Cold Stone that it carries sunk at its bosom . It does not perceive it until it gets in its way and becomes a Stumbling Stone for the Soul , an Insurmountable Obstacle to reach the Good of the Final Perfection . Without the Stone Seed in the Soul of the clay man there would have been no Evil or Hate towards Creation , evolution would have been carried out by the Force of Love for the Creator , the Final Perfection would have been assured for all Created Souls : now that Plan of YHVH will be impossible to fulfill , and the Din Judgment of the Elder of Days determines that only those who achieve the Good of Final Perfection , in any Time , reach the End of Time alive ; instead the contaminated by Evil , the clay men whose Souls hatch , still without knowing it , the Stone Seed , will be dissolved and transformed into bleach , to wash with it the Abominable Sign in the Stone of Fire .
– Yes , Priests : – continued Birsha – Ehyeh created all beings , including the Stone . He extracted it from the Warm Fire and that is why he designated it as " Stone of Fire ". And He put all the Created Beings in the Becoming of Time , which is the Flow of His Conscience : because before the Beginning there was nothing created except the ineffable Supreme Being . The Spirit of The One came out of the Ein Sof at the Beginning , the Actual Infinity , which represents the nothingness for all created Souls . So The One , that also arose from that nothingness , drew from it the Created Beings , the first of which was the Warm Fire , created on the first Day : thus gave Beginning to Time . The Soul of the Mud Man , created later , began to evolve since then , in the direction of Final Perfection . But that evolution was very slow . To accelerate it came the Seraphim Nephilim with the consent of The One ; they also arose from the Ein Sof : such Angels , our enemies call " Traitor Gods ". The truth is that They extracted the Abominable Uncreated Sign from the nothingness and engraved it on the Warm Stone : and that was the Origin of Evil . The Signalled Stone was transformed by that Sign into " Cold Stone " and instantly moved to the Beginning of Time , receding into the initial nothingness to sustain an abominable existence outside of Time . Among the Created beings , among the