THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 157

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The eighth Sefirot is Hod , the Glory of Elohim Sebaoth , the Left Column of the Temple , Boaz . He dominates the Archangels Ben Elohim , who express from the sphere of Mercury : Michael , the inspirer of Solomon , is here the main Angel .
The ninth Sefirot is Yesod , the Foundation of the Creation of YHVH Saddai , the Almighty . It is the reproductive organ of YHVH , and , together with Netzach and Hod , he composes the last construction triad or executive : Hod , Yesod , Netzach . His Power encompasses the Angels known as Cherubs , who manifest from the sphere of the Moon , and their main Angel is Gabriel , protector of Daniel .
And the tenth Sefirot is Malkuth , the Kingdom of Adonai Melekh , the Lord King of Creation , ultimate reflection of the Ancient of Elders . Therefore under his Power are all the members of the Hidden Hierarchy and of the White Fraternity , the Issim of the Chosen People . And that is why his main Angel is Metatron , the Soul of the Messiah . Malkuth is the Lower Mother , as Binah is the Superior Mother , but if the descent of the Inferior Mother is externalized in the Chosen People , this becomes the Shekhinah , YHVH ' s Mystical Wife .
Thirty-First Day
All this , you know well – added Bera , who was the one who was describing the Sefer Icheh drawing --but I have repeated the essentials to avoid misunderstandings , because in a moment we will explain the Mystery of the Stone of Fire . Such an explanation , which was requested by the Grand Master of the Temple , requires prior and exact understanding of the Work of The One , of the Creation of YHVH , of His Manifestation in the Created as the Rimmon Tree of Principles immanent and absolute , from his triple principle of immanent action , Shekhinah , Avir , Metatron .
Sighed , relieved , the Grand Master , who already feared that the explanation requested would never arrive .
– Observe the roots of the Pomegranate of Life : they arise from the tenth Sefirot , the Kingdom , bearing the Sign of the Almond on its trunk . As the Menorah candelabrum , the roots are seven and culminate in the chalices of the flower of Almond , where the Eyes of YHVH , the Eyes that never sleep , the Eyes that see everything , the Eyes that the Prophet Zacharias saw . These optical roots of the Tree of YHVH represent Israel Shekhinah , the Chosen People , being One with The One , that is , they show the concretion of the Plan , show the Chosen People exercising the World Government in the Name of The One : in truth , it will be the ineffable One who will show himself in the Shekhinah of Israel at the End of Time .
– Said the Prophet : – continued Birsha – “ Thus says YHVH : Heaven is my Throne , and the Earth the Stone of Fire under my feet ”. YHVH therefore rests his feet , the roots of the Rimmon Tree , on a Stone of Fire that is none other than the Soul of the Messiah , manifested in the Shekhinah : that terrestrial Stone , is the replica of Metatron , the Celestial Man , Archetype of all men of warm clay . Because that Stone of Fire , which was from the Beginning of Creation , but not used by the Builders , will fit right in at the End of Time , when Time is finished and becomes Angular Stone , Vault Key of the entire building : “ The Stone that the Mason discarded , has become a Cornerstone ” [ Psalm , 118,22 ]. And where does it sit that Stone of Fire , the Soul of the Messiah , Metatron , who is a model of all the warm mud men ? According to the Prophet : “ Therefore , says Adonai YHVH : Here I am laying in Zion the foundation of a Stone , a proven , angular , precious , fundamental , cemented stone ; he who believes , shall not move from that foundation ” [ Isaiah , 28,16 ]. Mortal Men , Stones of Clay , they would be in the End like the Stone of Fire , like Metatron , the Celestial Man ; would be so when the Temple was ready , and each occupied his place in the construction , according to the Messiah model ; would be like that in the days when the Kingdom of YHVH took shape on Earth ; and the King Messiah reigned ; and the Shekhinah would manifest as the Chosen People . Because only for Israel YHVH has created the Kingdom and the King : no