THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 156

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Mother : through Her the Wisdom of the Father produces the fruits of the Worlds and the content of the Worlds . The Warm Fire of her Universal Love floods the Avir Ether and transmits to all the Worlds the Intelligence of YHVH Elohim , the third Aspect of The One . Under her Power are the energetic Angels Aralim , who act in the sphere of Saturn , but the main Angel , the one who communicates man with the Divine Mother , is Zaphkiel , the one who was the guide of Noah , the great navigator : Binah she is , then , Lady of Seamen .
– Keter , Chokhmah and Binah constitute the Great Face of the Elder , Arikh Anpin : the remaining seven Construction Sefirot form , in turn , the Little Face of God , reflection of The Great Face and first access to The One that man can obtain from anything created .
– The following Sefirot are Numerations emanating from the essential Trinity Keter , Chokhmah and Binah : Hoesed and Netzach , which are found to the right of the Rimmon Tree , they are masculine like the Father ; Din and Hod , feminine like the Mother , bear fruit to the left of the Pomegranate . In the central column of a trunk , the neutral fruits grow , which synthesize the opposites of the two successive trinities : Din , Tiferet , Chesed , creative and productive , and Hod , Yesod , Netsah , executor and concretizer of entities . Finally , in the center is Malkuth , the Kingdom , which reflects Keter , the Crown , and is the manifest synthesis of the form of the Ancient of Days : through the Kingdom descends the Shekhinah to Earth , and the Kingdom of God will be realized on Earth when the Shekhinah takes the form of the Chosen People , Ruled by the King Messiah .
The fourth Sefirot is thus Chesed , Elohai ' s Grace , His Mercy and Compassion . He is YHVH ' s Right Hand and under His Power are those creatures of the Heavens called Dominations or Hasmalim , who act in Jupiter ' s sphere . The main Angel is Zadkiel , who was Abraham ' s guide .
The fifth Sefirot is Din , the Rigor of Elohim Gibor . From this fruit comes the Law of God , and His grains are the Judgments of His Court : all human act , and every entity of Creation , must submit to Judgment , Gevurah , by Elohim Gibor . He is YHVH ' s Left Hand and under His Power are the Powers called Seraphim , which influence the sphere of Mars . His main Angel is Kamael , Samson ' s protector .
The sixth Sefirot is Tiferet , the Beauty of YHVH . United with Sefira Chesed and Din they make up the triad that produces created entities , Din , Tiferet , Chesed , but actually Tiferet is the Heart of YHVH , the seat of the Warm Fire of Great Mother Binah . In Tiferet , the Shapes acquire the archetypal perfection of Supreme Beauty : the acts of men , inspired by Tiferet , can only be acts of Love ; and the entities created , they are linked together by the Universal Love that radiates the Heart of YHVH . In Tiferet everything is Beautiful and Perfect , because the Chokhmah Wisdom of the things thought perfect , and the Binah Intelligence of the conception of it , produced by Grace Chesed and adjusted to the Rigor Din of the Law , shine in their Fruit . But Tiferet is not a Pomegranate but a Strawberry , that is , a Rose , another part of Message One of the Love of YHVH towards the Man with a Soul . The Strawberry Tiferet turns Pink when the Heart of the Earthly Man houses the Hot Fire of Animal Passion . Under His Power are the Angels operating through the sphere of the Sun , the Virtues called Malachim . And there are two powerful Angels here : one , Raphael , who was the guide of Isaac ; and another , Peliel , who directed Jacob ' s destiny . Here also act some Angels that should be higher : they are the Seraphim Nephilim who the white Atlanteans accuse of " Traitor Angels ", but who really serve YHVH with energetic dedication , carrying out his Plans of human progress and favoring the creation of the Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People . They founded the White Fraternity and took up residence in the YHVH ' s heart ; and on Them depends the Hidden Hierarchy of Priests of the Earth .
The seventh Sefirot , Netszach , reveals the Victory of YHVH Sebaoth , the God of the Celestial Armies . He is The Right Pillar of the Temple , Jaquim , and under His Power are the Principalities or Elohim , the Angels who influence from the sphere of Venus . Cerviel , David ' s director Angel , presides over it .