THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 155

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Virgin , various symbols , such as snails and fish , indicated the marine nature of the invocation : She herself was perched on the waves .
– To a certain point we will trust you , although you will also be watched -- Birsha threatened , after examining the sketch-- . We like what you have seen and what you plan to do . You are fortunate , Servant of God ! Now retire to your cell , you have much to pray and meditate on . Moments later the six were again gathered in front of the Sefer Icheh . --What did the monk see , Oh Immortals ? It certainly has not been this figure on the lamed page , – asked the Abbot of Clairvaux . – Certainly not , --replied Birsha-- . Bera has made the sculptor eat a grain of this fruit – and pointed to the Binah pomegranate .
– Indeed ; – confirmed Bera – we have allowed the monk to peer into the Seventh Heaven , to the Palace where the Messiah dwells , in the loving arms of his Mother Binah . And he has seen the Mother and the Messiah , the Divine Couple of the Aspects of YHVH that rule the Seventh Heaven : Mother Binah , pouring out the Creative Intelligence of YHVH Elohim with the Warm Fire of Her Love ; and the Breath of YHVH which is the Soul of the Messiah , the Child whose Form is that of Metatron , whose mount is Araboth , the clouds , whose round is carried on the waters of Avir , the Ether , and whose Manifestation is the Shekhinah , the Descent of YHVH in the Kingdom . We have done this because we need that vision to be rendered on a First Stone , and exhibited in La Rábida , replacing the statue of Bishop Macarius that the Templars guard . The carving will be made in secret and , when it is ready , you will replace it with the greatest discretion . It will be affirmed then , with more emphasis than ever , that it is the work of the Evangelist , that Saint Luke himself carved it in the 1st century . It is important that it is done in this way , because Quiblon , one day will come to Rus Baal to confirm his key , that will be S . A . M ., that is , Shekhinah , Avir , Metatron , the universal key of the Messiah : by the new image of the Virgen de los Milagros , he will know that there will be manifested the Shekhinah to endow him with the Word of Metatron through Avir , the Ether .
As you know , this image of the Sefirotic Rimmon Tree symbolizes Adam Ilaah , the Man Above , also called Adam Kadmon , the Primordial Man , that is , the Human Form of YHVH , which reproduces itself in Adam Harishon , the terrestrial man . In the fruits of the Divine Pomegranate of Life are the archetypal Ten Name-Numbers with which He adopted that Form and gave existence to all created entities . These Names-Numbers called Sefirot are the nexus between the Unity of YHVH and the plurality of entities : for YHVH , the Sefirot are identical and one with The One ; for the world , the Sefirot are distinct and give existence to the manifold that constitutes the reality . Seen from the World , by We , the Created Beings , the Ten Sefirot emanate successively from The One without dividing it , and sprout from the Rimmon Tree .
The first fruit is Keter , the Crown of Ehyeh , the essential Aspect of YHVH : just under Keter is the Throne of God , the Highest of Creation . Keter is the Holy Elder , attika kadisha , or even more , the Ancient of the Elders , attika deatikim . He sits on the Throne and only Metatron comes to Him , who sometimes comes down to men , as he spoke to Moses on Sinai , and leads them before the Ancient of Days . He is the one who said to Moses -- " I Am Who I Am ”, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [ Exodus , 3,14 ]. The Power of Ehyeh extends directly over the Seraphim , Haioth Hakadosch , that is , Holy Souls , Angels Builders of the Universe .
From Keter arises the second of the Sefirot , the Sefira Chokhmah , the Wisdom of Yah , God the Father . Chokhmah is the Divine Thought of all entities : there is nothing that has existed , exists , or will exist , that previously was not potentially in the Chokhmah ; many are the grains of this fruit , Father of all the fruits of the Earth . This same image of the Rimmon Tree is the product of the Sefira Chokhmah , which in this case reveals itself . Who is present in the Chokhmah , and introduces men into the sphere of the Father , is Raziel , the Angel who wrote the First Book of the Law for Adam .
But the Wisdom of the Father crosses the dahat channel and is reflected in Binah , the third Sefira , whose Divine Intelligence is necessary for the realization of the creation of thought entities . Binah is the Great Universal