THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 154

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
What do you see in it ?
The four priests looked at each other , amazed that the Immortals showed the sculptor monk , who was neither Theologian nor Kabbalist , and much less Initiate , a secret drawing in the Sefer Icheh .
Trying to compose himself , the imager leaned with both hands on the edge of the ramp table and looked at the indicated page . What he saw soon made him forget the bitter minutes before and , he would repeat it to himself all life , it rewarded him for the sufferings endured until then . For the first time he felt blameless , sinless , forgiven by a Mercy that came from inside the Soul , as if the Soul participated in a Divine Jubilee : and who inspired that feeling of mental freedom , that security of being approved by God and loved by Christ , was the Most Beautiful and Majestic image of the Mother of God the monk would never see ; because , of course , that Lady was alive ; as she held the child in her arms , the Mother glanced at him briefly , and it was in that instant that he felt forgiven , at peace , as if She had told him --Come , son of God , I will intercede so that the Rigor of His Law , is not recalcitrant with you . Fulfill your mission and portray me as you see me , in the Fullness of My Holiness , so that men may also see the Miracle that you see ; do your job with all your talent and the Great Face of God will smile at you !
– She ' s so beautiful ! --cried the sculptor , completely amazed . Only hands guided by the Grace of God , and a stone blessed by the Almighty , could carry out the Work that is asked of me . But I will put my hands to the Service of God , and You , who are powerful , will provide me with the best stone of alabaster of the World !
And unfolding the scroll beside the book , he feverishly began to draw the portrait of a Virgin with the Child of novel characteristics . The four Priests looked at him in surprise , for it was evident that his vision did not come from the Sefer Icheh book , at least from the sheet that was in view , but from another reality , from a Celestial World that had opened before his eyes and had revealed the Lady of his inspiration .
With unusual patience , the Immortals waited a long hour until the monk seemed to return to reality : on the table , it was completed the graphic synthesis of the supernatural vision .
– Your Eminences : now I understand Your reservations , said the carver , still excited –.
– You , undoubtedly with the authorization of the Lord , have allowed me to look up to Heaven and contemplate the Blessed Mother . Keep for sure that although I ' ll always remember it , and my Work remains as a testimony of this vision , the origin of it will never leave my mouth . As you warned at the beginning , I answer you for it with my life ! However --here he narrowed his eyes and mused aloud , to himself-- what is Death , in front of the even more terrifying possibility of losing the favor of the Mother of God , of failing Her ? I will comply ! – He said now yelling – Oh , yes . I will comply . For Her I will fulfill !
– Do you think you are capable of carving the statue we need ? asked Birsha , without much contemplation for the mystical state of the sculptor monk .
– Oh yes ! I will put all my Art , and the Divine Inspiration that now overwhelms me , to give the most perfect finish to this image ! – and pointed to the drawings sketched in charcoal on the fine leather of the parchment .
In these a Sublime Mother was exposed , endowed with a beautiful face of Israelite features and a dress of equal nationality , covering her head with a long mantilla , below her waist , and holding the Child with the left hand , while on the right she carried a scepter crowned with a Pomegranate . The Mother ' s body gave the impression of being slightly inclined towards the left , perhaps to let the Divine Child take center stage . The Child , on his part , looked straight ahead and blessed what was observed with a gesture of the right hand , while in the left he held a sphaera orbis terrae . Both the Mother and the Child were crowned : the Mother wore a Queen ' s Crown , that the image maker noted , it should be built of pure gold ; and the Child had on a silver halo ring , three almond blossoms , proportionally separated : from the sixth petal of each flower , nine rays sprouted , symbol of the Nine Powers of the Messiah . At the feet of the