THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 153

The Mistery of Belicena Villca depends on you that YHVH ' s design be carried out ; on it rests , Priests , one of the pillars of history !
– Now that Evil has been extirpated in Huelva , – continued Bera – now that the Blood of Tharsis has turned to bleach , we will entrust you with a very simple Mission , which is to affirm the Good on Earth ! And the Good is YHVH ! And YHVH can only descend into the Holy Land ! To you it corresponds , Priests of YHVH , to purify the Earth ! --Bera ' s glance was interrogative .
– Yes , --Nasi and Benjamin exclaimed in unison-- . Purifying the Earth is Priests task ! Sanctifying it is YHVH ' s faculty !
– All right , Priests : We , the Representatives of Melchizedek , we order you : purify this land of Huelva , erase all vestige of the Mystery of the Cold Fire , clean the Stain of the Cult of the Virgen de la Gruta ( Grotto )! Above all : eliminate the memory of this dark Deity ! Because there will be no peace , neither on Earth nor in Heaven , and Rus Baal will not be the Holy Land , as long as the disturbing Presence of the Virgin of Agartha lasts bearing the Cursed Seed of it .
– Naturally --said Bera-- that such an atonement will only be effective if one Cult is replaced by another . Consequently , we command you , also , implant in all the necessary places the New Cult of the Virgen de los Milagros ( Miracles ): She will illuminate with her Warm Fire the Darkness that the Intruder spilled ! When the Gentiles give her their Heart without reservations , the Intruder will be forgotten , will be extinguished the memory of her abomination , and the Earth will be purified : then , and only then , will descend the Shekhinah in Rus Baal !
– But that Cult already exists ! --the Grand Master of the Knights Templar interrupted-- . It is precisely in La Rábida that the Virgen de los Milagros is worshipped , the ancient Proserpina of Palos , Lady of the Rabies !
– You are wrong , Priest ! Bera assured , grinning horribly . I am referring to a New Cult that will also replace the one that you mention : the Cult of the Great Mother Binah , whom you will advocate as Virgen de los Milagros to prevent Gentiles from suspecting the substitution , but that will receive several Holy Names , only known by the Initiated Priests , Golen and Rabbis . So , I am referring to the Virgen de la Ciñuela ( Pomegranate ),
or to the Virgen de la Cinta ( Ribbon ), or to the Virgen de la Barca ( Boat ), or to the Virgen del Niño de Barro ( Mud Child ), or to the Virgen del Fuego Caliente ( Warm Fire ).
– Look for , Priests , look now for the sculptor monk that you have brought from France ! The Abbot of Clairvaux hurried out of the Library , and a moment later he entered followed by the humble Cistercian monk , who carried in his hands a scroll of parchment and charcoal . The monk stopped in front of Bera , followed by the Abbot , and stared in terror at the Immortal ' s diabolical face .
– Listen well , miserable ! – Bera blurted out with flaming eyes of hate-- . I am going to give you a warning : about what you will see in this place , you will never speak to anyone . You will do your job and then you will cloister yourself for life in a cloistered monastery . And don ' t even think about disobeying our mandate because the Earth will be small to hide your betrayal ! However , we don ' t trust you and you will be watched day and night from now on . But you must know , mortal creature , that not even Death will be able to free you from Us , to the hell itself we will go to punish you ! Have you understood the risks that you run ?
The poor monk had thrown himself on the ground at Bera ' s feet and was trembling like a scared dog . -- " N ... no I wouldn ' t d ... dare to betray you " – he stammered , without looking up from Bera ' s feet , not daring to see the deadly threat from his eyes .
– You better tell the truth , --said that King of Lies with irony , which was Bera . Get up , dog ! – He ordered harshly – and look at the page of this open book .