THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 152

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Convent of La Rabida
Thirtieth Day
The four Priests of Jehovah Satan reflected on the Announcement of the Immortals : soon would take place the twelfth manifestation of the Shekhinah , very near there , in Rus Baal ; and They would be protagonists of that extraordinary portent : only another Priest of Israel could understand the ecstasy the four experienced at such a possibility ! Because only the Soul of a Jew is able to understand the Shekhinah ! The most excited was the Grand Master of the Knights Templar : -- “ Oh , what a great honor , he thought with a shudder , that my Order has been entrusted with the custody of such a sacred place ! God himself will descend now , in the midst of ours !” -- . And so on , each one gave free rein to his rabbinic and Golen fantasies .
-- " Indeed , Priests !" --approved Birsha , guessing the thought of the present-- you will contribute like no one else to execute God ' s Plans ! Thousands of Golen monks and Hebrew Doctors work to establish the Universal Synarchy : all of them enjoy the favor of Elohim and will be magnificently rewarded ! But only the four of you know the Announcement of the Shekhinah : and only You , and whom you call to collaborate , YHVH Sebaoth will hold responsible for the Water Holocaust that Quiblon will offer him on his day ! Rejoice , then , Priests , because the Triple Holocaust of Quiblon , one of the bloodiest in history , will be attributed to you , if you fulfill the Mission that we will entrust to you ! It